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“ Jennie, You got to handle this yourself.  “ President Han said, crossing his arms, sitting at his table looking at Jennie disappointingly.

Jennie looked at the folder that has been giving her, the law firm design has been returned without any feedback from Kai. She closed her eyes in frustration. Heaven, please have mercy.

“ Karina has been going to the law firm for two days! She couldn’t even finalize the initial plan! What is happening?? “ The president looked at her fishing some answer from her, but she couldn’t say anything as she herself what the hell was happening. Though she has a feeling, but this is her work, she can’t mixed up personal issue’s with her work. “ Let her go with you. After all she has a similar project on hand. “ 

Jennie could only sighed. There is really no way out. “ Okay. I’ll go there, right now sir. “ 


“ Sorry to keep you waiting, long time no see, “ Bogum said smiling at Jennie, as he fetch Karina and Jennie from the building lobby.

“ Long time no see, “ Jennie gave him a small smile, feeling more anxious than before. She just keep looking forward, ignoring the look of confusion in Karina’s eyes. 

It’s been two years, but she is more beautiful than before, no wonder Kai can’t let her go. Bogum thought, chuckling at himself.

“ Uhm ~ Mr. Kim isn’t here? “ Jennie asked, deciding to get straight to the point, so she can finish this as soon as she can.

Mr. Kim?? Bogum asked himself, he felt Jennie getting too uncomfortable but he can’t do anything. This is Kai and Jennie’s business. “ He’s looking for some files at the temporary office next door. Let me show you the building structure first. Then I’ll take you to him. “

Bogum walked them to where the firm will be located and explain some things for them, so they can somehow have an idea about the design. Looking around the area, Jennie pictured what she will be designing for thr project, and looked over the notes Karina was taking and decided to brainstorm with her.

Bogum insist to walk them to the reception room so they can sat comfortably while waiting for Kai.

After two hours of waiting, Karina shifted in her seat looking worried. “ Jen, we’ve been waiting for two hours now, why he’s not here yet? “ 

Sighing, Jennie looked at her apologetically, she doesn’t have any answers herself. She was about to continue with their discussion about the design, when the door cracked opened. 

Bogum enetered and smile at her. “ Jennie, he wants to see you in his office. “ 

The designer gulped anxiously, she missed Karina’s shocked face, cause she has been going in here for two days but she doesn’t have the opportunity to talk to the lawyer, but since this was the time she was dreading, she willed herself to focus on the job and be done with it as fast as she could.

With renewed determination, she rose from her seat and walk to the door, telling Karina to wait for her. She let Bogum to walked her to where Kai’s office was, he opened the door for her and said, “ I got to go now, since it’s already noon. I’ll take your colleague to lunch. “

“ Okay, thanks. “ Jennie said before coming inside.

After closing the door behind her, she took a deep breathe and step forward. Looking at Kai, who has his back facing her, he was looking outside from the small window of the small office.

“ Mr. Ki- “ Jennie started, but got interrupted when Kai talked, still not looking at her.

“ Cherry blossom tree, was very memorable for me since it reminded me my first love. “ Kai said looking at the cherry blossom tree outside his window before turning around. His head hang low and not looking at Jennie but he got the glimpse of the brunette. “ The day before I left, we were under that tree when you said to me that you’d wait. That day that we parted at the airport seems just like yesterday for me. “

Jennie sighed softly, she hold her folder tightly, lowering her head, listening to him, breaking her heart more than it already was.

“ After you said ‘ Let’s break up ‘, you just disappeared. I’ve been reaching for you, but you were gone. Jennie, how could you be so cruel? “ Kai frowned, facing the designer.

Jennie shake her head lightly, she need to make this appointment finish as soon as she can, or else she’ll break again. “ Mr. Kim, I’m here today to discuss the law firm design. As for our private matters we- “ 

“ Business. Where is your sincerity?! I assigned this design to you. But you have never shown up! “ Kai exclaimed, interrupting her again. Fury in his eyes, getting emotional as Jennie wasn’t cooperating talking to him outside professionalism.

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