88. rumours. laid to rest

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When Madam Pomfrey dismissed Juniper that night, she found herself wandering aimlessly through the corridors, unsure where to go.
Returning to the Slytherin common room wasn't an option. She could already feel the suffocation of endless questions coming her way, everyone would be desperate to know where Draco and Snape had gone, what they had done. Her stomach churned just at the thought of them, a cold reminder of betrayal and darkness she felt that night.
The values that she was conditioned to take pride in, ambition and cunningness, were now tainted. The line between ambition and cruelty, cunning and deceit, blurred beyond distinction. Both Draco and Snape were loud-and-proud Slytherins, who were cold and committed unforgivable, calculated acts of violence. She no longer felt safe in Slytherin, her 'safe' place turned into something unrecognisable.
She couldn't seek refuge in Gryffindor. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had all gone off in a group without her, their heads bowed together as they whispered. And as soon as the news of Snape's and Draco's betrayal, all eyes would be on her, guilty by association as usual. Hermione swore she'd defend her in a heartbeat, but some things were inevitable.
Eventually, Juniper settled into a dark, empty classroom, her back pressed against the cold stone wall as she curled up in a corner. It was pathetic. No blanket, no pillow. Just the hard floor beneath her. She shivered uncontrollably, arms wrapped around her knees, feeling miserable. Her exhaustion from the night finally took over, and despite her discomfort, she managed to drift into a semi-tolerable sleep.
An hour later, the door burst open with a loud bang, scaring her awake. Juniper groaned loudly, grumpy and disoriented, her eyes half-closed as she sat up, immediately feeling the stiffness in her back and neck.

"Seriously?" She mumbled with a huff, rubbing her face in frustration, her mood souring instantly. "Can't a girl get one bloody hour of peace around here?" She glared at the door, her exhaustion adding to her annoyance. All she wanted was to be left alone, but even that was too much to ask, apparently.

"Huh? Juniper?" Matilda's voice called from the darkness. Juniper raised her wand, silently illuminating the room.

"Mat- EW! Oh my god!" Juniper slapped a hand over her eyes as she spotted Matilda, perched on Blaise's lap, the two of them topless on one of the desks. "Is there a spell to make me blind? Or to gouge my eyes out?"

"You're so dramatic." Matilda hid a sigh in her laugh, pulling herself away from Blaise. She pulled her top back over her head, walking over and pulling Juniper's hand away from her eyes. "Juniper. Are you sleeping in a classroom?"

"Um..." Juniper trailed off, cracking her stiff back. Matilda's eyes narrowed, making it impossible for Juniper to lie. "Yeah..."


Juniper watched as both of their faces cycled through every emotion imaginable. Confusion, concern, shock, and finally, a hint of pity,as she rambled through a rushed explanation of how she ended up in the classroom of the night. She skimmed over the details of the night, recounting only the most important parts; the Felix Felicis, Draco in the Astronomy tower, the battle, Dumbledore's death, Bill's injuries, the hospital wings, and finally, her inner struggle to return to the Slytherin common room.
The moment she stopped to catch her breath, Matilda sprang into action without missing a beat.

"Blaise, go to her dorm and grab some clothes. Meet us at the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room." She ordered, lifting Juniper to her feet.

"Wait- what?" Juniper blinked, barely processing Matilda's words.

"You're staying with me for now." Matilda declared firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. "No way are you going back to Slytherin after what you've been through. Ravenclaw is impossible to get into, and Gryffindor is full of self-absorbed snobs. I'll set you up in my dorm. End of discussion."

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