7. 13 Destinies

69 10 6

Author of the book: chuwithluv

Review by: Sugaga777


Title: 8/10

The title of this book is remarkable and catches up with the story.
8 because, in my assumption, a subtext on the cover would make it feel like a cherry on top.

Cover: 8/10

The cover suits the story fabulously. But the graphics can be better, if you vivid your imagination.

Blurb: 9/10

Blurb was a bit long but don't need any modifications, just add some rhetorical questions…so the readers will be inquisitive about the story. 

Grammar and Vocabulary: 9.5/10

Use of classic grammar and standard phrases but too many adjectives, impressive vocabulary with fascinating and fancy words. On point, excellent!

Pace: 9/10

The story is smooth and has no rush. It's very intriguing to read yet a little boring…no offence, just add some more comedy and catchy parts to keep entertaining your readers.

Characters Development: 9.5/10

It was just 5 chapters, but every character has its interesting features, they have a motive, the characters were described well and their realistic personality with well-described emotions and had character development.

Concept and Plot:10/10

The concept used about 'life' is so rare, it makes the book unique with this unique concept. I like how you add small elements that go unnoticed by humans nowadays. The plotting has its own mystery which is intriguing.

Writing style: 8/10

The writing style is like a novel, the philosophical words are great, I gave you 8 because you should make it better by including the relatable quotes and a creative trailer if you can.

Overall Presentation: 9/10

It's an impressive book. I like the ideology and philosophical side of the book. Your concept is great and has a message but you need to work on creativity so the readers can be more relatable.

Rating of the book: 9/10

I enjoyed this book, and realised how we neglect small things happening in our surroundings as we are so busy with our life.

Total: 89.5/100

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