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  "Poli-sci 102, Women's Literature… Criminal law 201?"

    Felix turned around and walked to the office.

   "Excuse me?" Felix said softly.

   "What can I help you with?"

   "I think there is something wrong with my schedule. I shouldn't have this class,"

   The man looked at the schedule and hummed.

   "Student ID?" He asked.

  "SH04040320," Felix told him.

    "Felix Lee, you are in the correct class. Criminal law 201 with Professor Hyunjin Hwang,"

    "Uhm, but-but I am a poli-sci major, this is a law class,"

   "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. Perhaps you can talk to the Professor,"

   Felix pursed his lips and nodded.


   Felix entered the class frustrated. His first two classes were long and not ones that he liked.

  Looking around Felix hummed.

   This class didn't even compare to the other classes. It seemed like not many people were interested in this class.

   The door to the class opened and a tall man with longish hair came in. He looked rather serious.

   "Sit down and please be quiet," he said.

    The class quieted.

   "Welcome to criminal law 201. I am professor Hwang. Some of you are probably thinking that you shouldn't be here. You're wrong. This is exactly where you are supposed to be. Some of you probably even went to the office to get it fixed. Little note, they can't fix it for you, I picked all you out and now you are in this class.

    There are exactly twenty of you, by the end of this course there will only be four of you. It is a twenty week course one of you will be dropped until there are only four, so be prepared, because I don't play nice. Now, if after the class you are going to come ask me to transfer out, the answer is no. Do we understand each other?" Hyunjin questioned.

     There were murmurs in the classroom.

  "Good, we do,"

    Hyunjin looked up and scanned the class, his eyes catching a few students, who he believed would be the best. Quickly he jotted down their names.

Yuna shin
Ava Lynn
Jeongin Yang
Beomgyu Choi
Gaeul Kim

   "We're going start easy. You have until next class to come up with an opening statement for the prosecution, heres the twist, you have to come up with one for the defence as well- without letting your statement for the prosecution to cloud your judgement.

   You need to know both sides. How the prosecution intends to prove the suspect is guilty and how the defence  plans to prove their client is not guilty," Hyunjin explained.

   "So are we defending the person or prosecuting them?" Beomgyu questioned.

  "Isn't the more important question who is the suspect, Mr. Choi?"

   Beomgyu pursed his lips and nodded.

    "Who is the suspect, Professor Hwang?" Gaeul asked.

   "Your suspect is James Waterstone, he's being accused of first degree murder. Under your seats is his file, however, it seems like one of you already found it," Hyunjin mused, looking at Felix.

  The class looked towards him.

  "Mr. Lee, you seem to be one step ahead of the rest of the class, what do you think?"

  Felix looked up, "Huh?"

    "What do you think of this case? Of the suspect?" Hyunjin questioned.

   Felix looked round his hands balling up when he realised all eyes were on him.

   "I-I think that Mr. Waterstone should be put away for what he did,"

    "Why? What makes you think he should be put away?"

   "I don't know," Felix said nervously.

   "Why are you holding back?" Hyunjin asked.

   "I'm not,"

  "Yes, you are. What aren't you saying? What are you thinking?"

  "Why his kids? He had motive to kill his wife. What motive did he have to kill his six year old twin daughters and three year old son? And why did he leave his oldest alive? Is he that sick of a person or was there a different reason?" Felix questioned.

    Hyunjin bite back a small smile, "Use the evidence and information given to you to answer those questions. You guys are dismissed, remember your assignment,"

     Felix got up and walked to the front of the class, "Mr. Hwang, I do believe there has been a mix up with my class," he said.

   "There hasn't, you are where you are supposed to be Mr. Lee," Hyunjin said.

   "I really don't think so. I'm not on the track for law school, I don't like public speaking, and I cry very easily,"

   Hyunjin raised a brow.

  "When people yell at me or near me I cry, I am not someone who should be in a courtroom. Obviously, there has been a mistake,"

   "Obviously, you don't know me. I don't make mistakes. If you are in here then it is for a reason. As for the public speaking, you'll get used to it. No-one should be yelling in this class. Finally, it doesn't matter that you weren't on track for law school, I chose you. Now, do we understand each other?"

    Felix nodded, "Yes, professor,"

   "Good," Hyunjin stated.

Felix pressed his lips together and left the room.

   The next few weeks weren't going to be fun.

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