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Hey, hey, Chan, you're half 52!


So how is driving with Professor Hwang?

You remember the scene from Gilmore girls after Rory and Dean broke up and they ran into each other so they went to Weston's and it was very awkward?


That is how this is just worse.
We aren't even talking.

You guys are usually so comfortable with each other

Correction was.
I did something *very* stupid and he caught me

What did you do?

I might have slept with Mr. Park
I'll explain the whole thing there
But it is just really awkward
We are still in Jersey, we are about to pull into a gas station
I'll text you when we are near



   Felix turned his phone off and put it back in his bag.

   "Who was it?"

   "Yuna, wanted to see how we were doing,"

  "And how are we doing?" Hyunjin questioned glancing at Felix.

   "I don't know, tense," Felix said, as it really was the most obvious thing ever.

  "How is it tense?"

  "Well, let's see, you are pissed at me for sleeping with someone I shouldn't have- at least not on a case- and I am feeling really awkward about it because well you saw things that I would never want anyone to see outside of an intimate partner or hell my best friends,"
   Hyunjin pulled into the gas station, "The only reason it is tense is because you are feeling awkward, I'm not,"

  That was a lie. Hyunjin was feeling a lot of things including the tension and a few other things he couldn't name.

   Felix rolled his eyes.

    Hyunjin rolled down the window and handed the attendant his card, while saying a small "thank you,".

    "Am I a little disappointed with you, yes, because it isn't something I would honestly expect from you, from Ms. Lynn, maybe. However, she tends to flirt with everyone, but from you Felix, who has shown that you can be very professional it wasn't something I expected," Hyunjin said.

  "Why? Why do you do that?" Felix questioned.

    Hyunjin's brows drew together, "Do what?"

   "That thing with the names? Why do you call Ava 'Ms. Lynn' and call me 'Felix'? Why do you do that?"

    The older blinked a couple times, he didn't even realise he did that.

"I… I didn't know I did that," Hyunjin muttered.

  "You…" Felix cut himself off and looked away from the older.

   It was just that small action that bothered Hyunjin.

   There was just something about it. Something about Felix doing it that bothered him.

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