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     "Objection, your honour, that is argumentative," Hyunjin said.

   "Your honour, I am just clarifying,"

  "Counsel, please approach," the judge said.

    Felix and Soyeon looked at the tablet to see what was being said.

   "Mr. Hwang, the evidence has been provided so Mr. Winslow can question Ms. Hwang about it, however, Mr. Winslow, do not make argument with the witness," Soyeon read out softly

   "He's getting frustrated," Felix muttered as he read.

     Soyeon pursed her lips.

     Hyunjin sat back down next Felix, clearly frustrated.

   Felix reached over and clicked the mic off, before he spoke, "I understand that this is frustrating and that she is your sister and that you want to do everything you can to protect her, but you know that this is how this works. You know that if it is in evidence they can question her on it.

  That includes this letter and anything else. You can't object to everything. Instead of getting worked up and possibly getting yourself excused from the case because you are too close to it and it's clouding you judgement, take a deep breath and remember why you are doing this,"

   Hyunjin pressed his lips together and nodded.

   "Your honour, would now be good for our lunch break?" Mr. Winslow asked.

   The judge looked at the clock and nodded.

  He gave the jury instructions and then dismissed the court saying they would reconvene around 1:15.

   "I'm going to quickly call Jisung and check on him, Minjunnie is sick and Minho can't call right now," Felix said.

   Hyunjin and Soyeon nodded.

   "Are you okay?" Soyeon asked Hyunjin

     "Yeah, I just think, I may be trying to protect Yeji from all this even though I shouldn't be at least to an extent," Hyunjin said.

  "He talked to you?"

  Hyunjin nodded, "He definitely knows how to make sure I don't get to the point where I nearly get thrown off the case,"

  "Have you thought about what we talked about this morning?" Soyeon asked.

  "Yeah… but you know, he's twenty-five and he likes someone. Also, you know how I am," Hyunjin said.

    Soyeon hummed.


   "Okay, I love you, give Minjunnie my love. I'll text Minho and let him know,"

  Felix hung up and took a deep breath.

  "Minho? You're Minho Lee's little brother?"

  The blond turned around to face the other, "Mr. Winslow, hi. Yes, I am his little brother,"

   "Please just call me Wilfred,"

    Felix took a breath, "I really rather keep it professional Mr. Winslow," he said.

   "Ah, okay. I was wondering when did you become a lawyer?" Wilfred asked.

  "I'm sorry, I don't think that is relevant,"

  "Well, I mean to be working with Hyunjin and Soyeon, is interesting, especially since if I'm not mistaken your brother and Mr. Hwang are close friends. They graduated around the same time,"

   "If you are trying to say something, say it, but do not try to use vague references to the relationships my brother holds with other attorneys," Felix stated

   "How are you working with Hyunjin and Soyeon? Because there isn't a way you got here yourself. Either you used your brother or you slept with Hyunjin, because with your background no one would hire you…willingly that is," Wilfred said.

   "What do you know of my background? It can't be much, since before today we've never met, so if you're going to threaten me do a little better,"

   Felix was about to walk away when the older spoke, "I know about Lani James, I know about your parents, I know about the hospital, I know quite a bit about you Felix Lee,"

   Felix tensed, his body felt like it was heating up from the panic rising in him. His eyes downcasted to the ground and he took a couple deep breaths.


   Felix looked up and quickly search around for Hyunjin who called him, however, the touch on his shoulder distracted him.

  "I wonder, does Hyunjin know about it all? I'm sure if he did he wouldn't look at you the same," Wilfred whispered.

   Felix was about to speak when he was pulled away.

  "Wilfred, I'm sure your mother told you that it is best to keep your hands to yourself," it was Soyeon.

   "Soyeon, we were just talking, weren't we Felix?"

  Felix nodded stiffly.

   "Ah, but talking and touching are different. You can talk without touching," Soyeon said.

   "We were fine, Soyeon," Wilfred said.

  "Mm, we should go, Hyunjin was looking for you,"

  Felix nodded and let Soyeon pull him off.

"Are you okay? Did say something to you?"

   "I'm… I'm fine, we were just talking, I promise Soyeon,"

   "Felix, if he threatened you in anyway I need to know because he can get in trouble. If you don't want to tell me then you can tell Hyunjin, but if he did you need to say something," Soyeon stated.

   "I promise it was just friendly talking," Felix said, hoping that Soyeon would believe him.

   Soyeon pursed her lips.

  She really wanted to believe him.

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