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  December 22

   "It's just a stomach bug, Yunjin,"

   "I don't think it is that, so please just humour me and come to the hospital?" She asked.

  Felix sighed and got up from the couch, setting his book down he walked over to the door and grabbed his coat.

   "Fine, I'll humour you," he muttered.


   "So, are you going to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with Professor Hwang and his daughter?" Yunjin asked, as she started the car.

  Felix hummed, "I don't know. I mean I haven't really celebrated Christmas in a long time so I feel like it'll be awkward. Plus, I'm sure that they have their own traditions,"

   "I think you should spend it with them. You've gotten his daughter a gift already, you should spend time with them,"

   Felix pursed his lips, "I didn't get a gift for Hyunjin…"

    "I'm sure you just being there with him is a gift itself," Yunjin said turning into the hospital.

   Felix hummed.

   Yunjin parked and turned to Felix, "I just want you to humour me with this, if it is just a stomach bug, you can say 'I told you so,'" Yunjin said.

   "I already said that I'd humour you,"

   Yunjin nodded.


   "So, Mr. Lee, why are you here today?" The doctor asked.

  "I'm here to humour my best friend. I've had a stomach bug for maybe a week and she is worried that it is more,"  Felix said.

  "Can you tell me some of your symptoms?"

  "Uhm, nausea, some bloating, backaches, threw up once, that's it," Felix said.

  The doctor nodded, "Okay, well, I just want to run one test. It is a quick blood test,"

   "Uhm, okay,"

   "Good, the nurse will be here in just a moment,"

   Felix nodded.

  Once the doctor was gone Felix looked to Yunjin.

  "They're running a blood test," Felix said.

   "I heard," she said.

  "They're running a blood test because I decided to humour you,"

  "Obviously they think it is something more,"

   Felix sighed.

   Forty minutes later, the doctor was uttering words that Felix wasn't sure he was ready to hear.


   December 24th

    Felix knocked on the door, heart in his throat making him feel nauseous or maybe it was the morning sickness, he couldn't tell.

   The door opened revealing a very happy looking Hyunjin.

  "Angel, you're here,"

   "Am I not supposed to be?"

   Hyunjin chuckled and kissed Felix softly, "No, you are, I just didn't expect you to come over this early,"

   "Sorry, Yunjin left to be with Chaewon and her parents yesterday morning and the apartment was feeling very empty," Felix said, stepping in.

  "Why didn't you come over yesterday?" Hyunjin asked.

  "I was, uhm, busy doing some things and San called me up about the Winslow,"

    Hyunjin hung up Felix coat.

  "What happened with Winslow?"

  "Just a few preliminary things, basically letting me know I don't actually have to be actively part of the case considering it isn't about what happened at the courthouse, but about what they found on his computer," Felix said.

   Hyunjin nodded.

  "So where is Vi?"

  "Yeji and Juni stole her from me for a little. They are going shopping and stuff," Hyunjin said.

    Felix pulled two wrapped boxes out of his bag and set them on the counter, "I may not really understand the Christmas thing but I got you and Vi presents," he said.

   Hyunjin smiled, "Viola is really excited this year because she understands from what you told her that Christmas for you hasn't been a big thing, so she wants to show all of our little traditions to you. We got you some presents too,"

     "You really didn't have to,"

   "Mm, Vi insisted and I agree. So, do I get to open my present now?" Hyunjin asked lifting up the box.

   "No, you have to wait until tomorrow,"

   Hyunjin hummed and set the box down, he set his hands on Felix's waist.

   "You know what I can unwrap though?" He whispered.

   Felix smiled and wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck, "What can you unwrap?"


    Hyunjin kissed Felix softly, both of them smiling into the kiss.


    "Seungmin thinks you are old,"

   "I'm only like seven years older than you two,"

   Felix laughed a little.

   Hyunjin kissed the start of Felix's tattoo.

    The younger hummed.

   "What's wrong?"

    "This is just reminding me of a dream I had a while ago," Felix said.

  Hyunjin raised a brow, "You had a dream about us?"

  Felix turned his head to look at Hyunjin, "Yeah, it was the day you got upset because I went out by myself even though I wasn't by myself,"
    "What was it like?"

   The younger took a breath, "We were in bed like this, you kissed that same place and we were just talking and I guess we were married or engaged, it was nice,"

    "And this was during Yeji's case?" Hyunjin asked with a smile.

   Felix nodded.

     Hyunjin leaned forward and kissed Felix.

   "Sounds really cute, maybe one day we can make it real,"

   "That would be nice," Felix said.

   It would be, wouldn't it?

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