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TW: mentions of someone being killed. It'll expand for the next few chapters unless said otherwise.


"And where have you been this fine afternoon?" Shuhua asked.

"I went to see Mr. Lee, he wasn't answering my texts," Hyunjin said.

"Okay, look I get incessant texts, but showing up at his apartment is a little much,"

"It was probably a good thing I showed up when I did, one of his pipes bursted and he couldn't shut it off,"

"How? That is literally one of the easiest things ever," Shuhua said.

Hyunjin shrugged, "If the prosecution within the next twenty-four hours submits that they have another witness and you or Yeonjun find out first tell me," he said.


"By the way, we aren't winning this case,"

Shuhua's brows shot up, "What do you mean? We have a solid case, especially since the prosecution doesn't have the key eye witness for this case and even if they do, we know that we can still win it," Shuhua stated.

"We're not winning the case, okay?" Hyunjin stated.

"Why? How could we not win?"

"Shuhua, he killed his daughter, we aren't winning this,"

Shuhua let out a light laugh, "I've never seen you give up so easily,"

"Trust me, I'm not giving up, I just know that this is a case we don't want to win,"


"Because it just is," Hyunjin stated firmly.

"Where is Felix?" Beomgyu asked.

"I don't know. Professor Yeh, have you see Felix?" Yuna asked.

"No, he isn't here?" Shuhua asked.

Yuna shook her head.

Shuhua turned and walked over to Hyunjin, "Felix isn't here, you didn't drop him did you?"

"It doesn't matter right now," Hyunjin said.

"Look, I love all of these kids, but the only I have seen remotely capable of doing the same things you do is him, so if you dropped him I will be thoroughly pissed,"

"I didn't drop him, everything is fine. Let's go inside," Hyunjin stated.

"Wait without him?" Shuhua questioned.


"Hyunjin, what is going on? You've been acting weird since Saturday,"

Hyunjin pursed his lips, "I just don't like this case. I don't like this person," he said

Shuhua's brows drew together, "What? Appeals usually make you curious,"

"This one doesn't, Shuhua. This one makes me sick,"

Shuhua watched Hyunjin enter the courtroom.

"Come on, let's go inside," Shuhua said.

"What about Felix?" Jeongin questioned.

"Probably dropped out couldn't handle this class," Ava muttered.

Shuhua shot a glare at the younger girl, "I don't know about Felix, let's just go in," she said.

The six went inside. Yeonjun wasn't there either, making Shuhua wonder where he was.

"Mr. Hwang, please make your case," the judge said.

Hyunjin stood up and took a deep breath. Shuhua's brows furrowed, "why is he hesitating?"

"My client has been in prison for ten years for mostly circumstantial evidence... while in prison he has had nothing but good behaviour, we are asking for probation," Hyunjin said.

"State, your case?"

"Ten years ago, Mr. James killed his daughter. He does not deserve to leave prison. In fact, we have someone who can testify to the fact that he should not be let out. Lani James a eighteen year old girl was killed by her father and her at the time fourteen year old cousin witnessed it all. Due to unfortunate circumstances, he could not testify, but today he would like to," the woman said.

Hyunjin pursed his lips when he heard the courtroom door open then close.

"Mr. Hwang, do you have any objections?"

"No, your honour, the defence has no objections," Hyunjin said.

"Wait what?" The man next to Hyunjin said.

"Ten years is a long time, it is quite possible that he has little to no recollection of the incident, especially one this severe," Hyunjin whispered.

The man nodded.

"Call your witness to the stand, Ms. Jeong,"

"The state calls Felix Lee to the stand," Jinsoul said.

Hyunjin tensed and there were whispers behind him.

Would he be able to do cross?

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