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   Hyunjin stood in the back of the class, arms crossed and bored look on his face.

   Chan was talking about something and Felix was sitting behind him.

    "I would now like to introduce our guest speaker. He is closer in age to you guys compared to us, so he knows all the more modern day pressures you guys are having, so uh, please welcome Felix Lee,"

  There were bored claps around the class as Felix nervously stood up.
    Hyunjin watched Chan set a hand on Felix's hip and whisper something in Felix's ear. He rolled his eyes and scoffed lightly.

    Felix nodded and smiled softly.

    The younger was nervous and it was clear to Hyunjin at least.

   "Uhm, I suck at public speaking. Anyway! I am Felix Lee, 24, and a poli-sci major, do not ask why I chose political science, I was going to come to university for a different reason but it caused a big argument with my two older siblings and I.

   The process of getting into university is difficult, but it can be rewarding. You'll study what you love, you may go to a few parties and get a little too hammered. It is roller coaster type thing with university, but fun- unless you get hammered the day before  an exam,"

    There were laugh around the room.

  "Yeah, I don't recommend that. I had a pounding headache and I felt nauseous during a mathematics exam. I felt like yeeting myself off a building. I won't be admitting to whether or not I drank before I was 21, but I have found that the best hangover food is pancakes or just cake, always did the trick.

   Honestly, though, in university besides the stress, the late nights, and the anxiety, you find some really good people here. You can also find yourself here. I haven't exactly found myself yet, but when this year started I found myself in a class that I didn't want, but uhm, it is a challenge.

  A challenge that I like and one that I honestly can't wait to learn more about. Anyways, my rambling is over, I think that you all will have a good time here if you intend to apply here at Nam University. I know that one of my best decisions was applying here, because I have made great memories and friend. I have also met some great professors," Felix said, shooting Chan a small smile.

   Chan stood up and placed his hand on the small of Felix's back.

   "At this time we will take some questions,"

    Multiple students raised their hands.

  Chan called on one of them.
  "Are you free for a date?" The teen asked Felix.

Felix's eyes widened and he laughed nervously, "Uh, I'm sorry I don't exactly date younger people and even so it would be inappropriate considering you are probably barely legal," he said.

   There were Snickers around the class.

    "What is the class that you talked about?"

    "Criminal law 201, the Professor hand picks the students and for some reason he picked me to be in the class," Felix answered.

   "Why do you think you shouldn't be in the class?"

   Felix hummed, "Well, I am a poli-sci major, but I don't focus on the law part of it and I almost have my Master's degree in literature. I guess I don't really see how it will help in law,"

    "Why do you think the Professor chose you?"

   "My background I suppose. My brother is a lawyer, my sister is in politics,"

"What about your parents?"

    Felix's smile dropped slightly and his weight shifted from one foot to the other.

   "Uhm, I think that is enough questions. Remember, if you have any inquires, you are welcome to contact the admissions or even email me, we are always happy to help," Chan intervened.

      Teachers began filing their students out of the class.

   "You okay, Lix?" Chan asked.

  "Yeah, just didn't expect that to come up,"

   Chan rubbed Felix's back and looked around, his lips pressing together seeing a certain professor sitting in the back.

   "I think someone is here to see you,"

  Felix looked around and sighed, "He wanted to talk to me after court today… I guess it is about something important,"

   "You want to sneak out the back?"

  The younger shook his head, "No, there is no point, uhm, I will see you tomorrow Professor Bang, have a good rest of your night,"

   Chan smiled and nodded, "You too,"

   Felix collected his stuff and walked up the steps to the back of the class.

  "Professor Hwang, I thought Yuna told you I had the lecture?" Felix questioned.

   "She did, but I needed to speak with you," Hyunjin stated, standing up and closing his phone.

  "About what, Professor?"

  "The case,"

   Felix sighed, "You have five other students who you can talk to about the case, why do you need to talk to me?" He questioned.

   "Because you pick up on smaller details and I could see on your face that something didn't seem right, so what is it?" Hyunjin asked.

   "The mock case was it for this case? Was it to pick out the best students and drop the rest?"

   Hyunjin tilted his head slightly, "Why are you answering a question with a question?"

   "You want answers from me then answer my questions, was the mock case for that reason?"

   The ravenet bit back a smile, "Yes, it was, originally I only wanted four students, but you six were the top so I chose to keep all six of you," he answered.

  "Why did you chose me to be in this class and why did you keep in the class?" Felix asked.

"First, answer my question. Second, objection compound, rephrase it,"

   "I don't think it was the dad. Why did you chose me to be in this class?"

  "Not because of your background and not because of you brother or sister. Why don't you think it was the dad?" Hyunjin questioned

  The blond pursed his lips, "I don't know, I just know that he didn't do it. Why did you keep me in this class?"

  "Because of this," Hyunjin stated.


    "I've seen you work, compared to your other classes, this is a challenge for you,"

   Felix pursed his lips, "My roommate is out with her girlfriend tonight, I need to go home and get some stuff done. I'll see you tomorrow, professor Hwang,"

     Felix left the class and sighed for what felt like the hundredth time.

   Maybe, he liked the class more than he wanted to admit.

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