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    Felix sniffled and he walked to his front door. He had no clue who it was, Yunjin had key and no one had messaged him saying they were coming over.

  "Professor Hwang, what are you doing here?" Felix questioned, wiping his tears.

  "Uhm, I knew you were alone because Shuhua got a message from Yunjin saying that she was going to be out of town for a little and I, uhm, I didn't want you to be alone, especially after today," Hyunjin said softly.

   "I'm fine really, it is just a lot of emotions to bring up again,"

  Unconsciously, Hyunjin reached out and wiped a few stray tears, "It's not just emotions though, it is memories,"

  Felix took a deep breath, "I'm just having a hard time getting it out of my head," he muttered.

   Hyunjin lifted his other hand, "I brought you some of that chicken from that Chinese food restaurant you guys order from,"

   The younger smiled softly and took the bag, "Thank you,"

   The older nodded, "I'll go now,"

   "Wait, can you stay? I don't want to be alone," Felix asked softly.

   "Are you sure?"

   Felix nodded.

  Hyunjin said a small 'okay' and entered the flat

     Felix shuffled to the kitchen and set the food on the counter.

  "There are sodas and stuff in the fridge if you want any, I would advise that you stay away from Yunjin's strawberry juice," Felix said, grabbing a couple plates.

   "How are you feeling?" Hyunjin asked, setting two sodas on the counter.

  "I feel… tired, scared, and there is another feeling there that I haven't felt in like nine years or something,"

   "What feeling is is?"

  Felix took a deep breath, "The feeling that if I tell my therapist what I am thinking I won't be in school for 72 hours," he said.

   A tension fell in the air.

    Felix chuckled softly causing Hyunjin to tilt his head in confusion, "Your cross sucked by the way,"

   "Well, I didn't want to do it,"

   "Even if you don't want to do it you could have put a little more effort, even when doing something like that is difficult you need to put an effort," Felix stated.

    "It was just difficult. It felt impossible to do," Hyunjin said.

   "Just because you heard part of my sob story? I'm sure you've done cross on people who have seen or been through worse,"

   "It wasn't because of what happened that made it difficult to do the cross, what made it difficult was the fact that I care about you. I care about you like care for everyone," Hyunjin said.

   Felix's heart fluttered for a minute then it fell.

   Hyunjin and Felix poth looked and Felix's ringing phone.

   Chan 💝

    Felix picked up his phone and answered it.

  "Hey, Professor Bang,"

   Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

  "Wait what? I'm sorry, when did Minho find out?"

   Felix pressed his lips together and looked at Hyunjin, "I'll text Min. I promise I'm fine… no, I'm not alone… I have someone over, bye Channie,"

  Hyunjin bit his cheek.

  Felix hung up and set his phone down, "You told my brother I testified?"

  "He asked me what was wrong when he and I were training and I told him,"

  "I didn't want him to know, because then he'll make a big deal of it," Felix said.

   "Had I known that I wouldn't have told him, but even so it is a serious issue that he should know about because he is your brother," Hyunjin said.

    "It is just hard with people knowing about it. Minho already walks on eggshells around me because he thinks one wrong move and I'll be back in the hospital. Him knowing I went on stand and testified to what happened makes it a little more difficult,"

   Hyunjin nodded, "Maybe you should tell him how you feel about it,"

   "I'm one of the youngest he'll always be over protective,"

  "Yeah, but maybe he'll be a little less helicopter brother," Hyunjin told him

  Felix laughed a little.

   Hyunjin smiled seeing Felix smile, however, quickly his stomach filled with dread.

   He was in trouble.

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