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  "Ma'am, it is an illegal obtain video that was recorded without the consent Mr. Park and his intern, therefore you can get in trouble for trying to post it," Gaeul said.

  She sighed, "I understand that you didn't take it, but your tabloid can get in trouble, therefore before you have legal trouble, do not post the video,"

    Gaeul smiled, "Thank you,"

  "What happened?" Shuhua asked.

   "The tabloid is not running the video, because of the legal issues that may come with it," Gaeul said.

   "I never want to get on your bad side," Beomgyu muttered.

   "Neither do I," Yuna agreed.

   Hyunjin walked back into the room an annoyed look on his face, "We have yet another case," he said.

  "No, you said we weren't taking that one," Yeonjun said.

  "It's a tough case and it won't take long. If you guys would like to go, you have passes for your exams and classes," Hyunjin said.

   "Wait go?" Jeongin questioned.

   "It is out of state," Shuhua said.

   "I'll go!" Yuna said.

  "It is still a learning thing," Yeonjun said.

   "Yeah, we'll still go," Beomgyu said.

   "Okay, will one of you text Felix and tell him?" Hyunjin asked.

   "I've been trying to get ahold of him for like an hour, he hasn't texted me back," Yuna said.

   "I can drive over there and get him," Gaeul suggested.

  "No, I'll go. I need to talk to Andrew," Hyunjin said.

   "Okay, well everyone should get ready we should meet back here in an hour two hours," Shuhua said.

   Hyunjin nodded, "If you're late we are leaving without you," he said

   The five students scurried of to get ready.

   "You're mean," Yeonjun said.

   "Well now they'll be on time," Hyunjin said.

     "You know, you look very beautiful in this light," Andrew said, kissing Felix's shoulder.

   "Watch it, Park. This is only a hook up," Felix said.

   Andrew chuckled and kissed the tattoo on Felix's shoulder, "Doesn't mean I can't compliment you,"

   Felix laid on his side to face the older, "That was very nice,"

    The older hummed and kissed Felix, "Maybe, we should do it again,"

    "Yeah, I think we should, but this time I want to…" Felix whispered in the older's ear.

   Andrew pulled Felix closer, "Okay,"

    Felix straddled the brunet, the sheet that was previously covering him pooling around his hips.

   Just as Felix went to lean down and kiss Andrew a throat cleared.

   "Mr. Lee, Mr. Park," Hyunjin's voice was harsh as he spoke.

  "Oh my god," Felix moved off of Andrew and covered himself.

   Hyunjin's jaw was tense and he looked pissed.

   "Get dressed. Now," Hyunjin said and left the room.

   "Shit, shit, shit, I am in so much trouble," Felix said, grabbing his sweater and putting it back on.

  "It won't be that bad, if anything he is more pissed at me," Andrew said.

  "Okay, but I technically work for him and you are his client, you see how bad that is,"

  "I'm sure it'll be fine,"

    Felix sighed and zipped his skirt.

  The two walked out of the room, Hyunjin was standing at the bar messing with one of the wine glasses with one hand and he was holding Felix's things with the other hand.

   "Professor Hwang," Felix said softly.

   Hyunjin stop messing with the glass and looked at the two. Reaching into his coat pocket he pulled his keys out.

  "Go to the car, please,"

   Felix took the keys and his things and left the house without arguing.

   "I told you that he was off limits because he is my intern, because he is one of our best friend's little brother,"

   "Hyunjin, he's twenty-five a grown adult, who can make decisions. Did I make the first move? Yes. Did he warn me that Minho would be pissed? Yes. However, we both consented to everything that we did," Andrew said.

   Hyunjin pursed his lips, "Everything is taken care of. Your ass won't be blasted all over the internet. I have to go, I just got a case out of state. Shuhua, Yeonjun, and my other students are at the office waiting, I only came here to pick up Felix because he wasn't answering texts,"

   Andrew nodded.

   "What you do is your business, but this crossed a line. This crossed a line with you being Minho's best friend and this crossed a professional line because he is an intern for me," Hyunjin stated.

    "Okay, I know, but Hyun, he is his own person who can make his decision,"

   "Yes, and he can do whatever he wants, but tonight he was here as part of his internship which means he was working, therefore, it crossed professional lines,"

    "Okay, you know what I'm not going to argue about this with you more, but we both know that right now you are upset not because of the professional lines it crossed- because we both know you have crossed those line- you are upset for a different reason, one that you won't come to terms with," Andrew stated.

    "Don't go there, because I don't, so don't ever bring something like that up again," Hyunjin said gruffly.

   "Hyunjin, all you are going to do is push him away if you don't come to terms with it. He isn't Jules and you need to realise that,"

    Hyunjin shook his head and opened the door, "Don't mention her or that again, Andrew, I mean it,"

Hyunjin left the house, the door slamming behind him.

    Felix didn't say a word as Hyunjin got in the car.

    The car was filled with tension.

   Felix looked down at his hands, he so wished he stayed home today.

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