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   "Don't ask, it is laundry day,"

   "Don't you have to be in court in an hour?"

   Felix sighed and poured himself coffee, "Yes, I do and I should have done laundry last night because this is all I have to wear,"

    It was a skirt with an oversized white sweater and tights.

   "Add a beret and it would be really cute," Yunjin said.

   Felix rolled his eyes.

  "I'm serious, maybe you'll get a date,"

  "I'm going to court not to a bar," Felix stated pulling his boots on.

    "Aren't you visiting Professor Bang's class today? Visiting lecturer? I thought you had a crush on him,"

  "It's not for his class it is for seniors in highschool. Anyways, let's look at the everything involving that. Professor Bang, is yes, hot, smart, and sweet, but he is also thirty-five and I am twenty-four, he would never date me," Felix said.

  "Hey, your cute, hot, smart, sweet, and have an amazing ass, why wouldn't he want you?" Yunjin said.

  "He was like eleven when I was born,"

   "Minho is ten years older than Jisung, they are happily married and have a kid,"

   "Touché, but still no. Okay, if I don't leave now, I am going to be late, I'll see you for dinner tonight,"

   "Can't, hanging out with Chae," Yunjin told him.

   "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, give Chae my love. I love you, bye!" Felix said as he left their flat.

   "Oh, Lix you look cute," Yuna said

  "Yeah, uhm, laundry day," Felix told her.


  Felix tensed and turned around.

  "Big brother, hey. How is Jisung and Minjun?"

   "Oh, your brother is Minho Han?" Gaeul asked.

   "Yup," Felix muttered.

   "What are you doing here, lix?" Minho questioned.

   "Uhm, it is, uh," confrontation wasn't Felix's thing, "It is for our class. Criminal law 201," Yuna cut in.

   "Criminal… criminal law 201? When did you become interested in law?"

    "Okay, well, you see…"

  "Mr. Lee, I see you've met my students. They are going to join me for this case,"

  Minho turned around, "I should've saw this coming. I knew you were teaching I just forgot which class,"

   Hyunjin smiled and turned his attention towards his students, "I hope you all went over the case and familiarised yourself with it," he said.

   "So, how did you get my brother to join your class?" Minho questioned.

   "Have you forgotten how students get into my class? I choose who is part of it," Hyunjin stated.

   "Sometimes I wonder how your hardass became a Professor,"

   "I'm good at what I do, that's how,"

   Minho hummed and looked back to his brother, "I'll see you after this. Take you for food,"

  "Oh, uh, I can't. Cha- Professor Bang asked me to give a small lecture," Felix said.

   "Lecture?" Minho questioned.

   "Yeah, he contacted me last night about it, just a small thing for seniors coming into university,"

   "Mhmm, well, I should get in there. We still need to talk though,"

   Felix nodded.

   After a few more pleasantries, Minho went into the courtroom.

   "What exactly are we supposed to be doing here, Professor Hwang?" Jeongin asked.

    "Watch the jury," Hyunjin stated.

     "Watch the jury?" Ava questioned.

   "Take note of how they react to things, the faces they make, small movements, especially watch what they do when Mr. Silver tongue starts talking. I am Shuhua Yeh, it is a pleasure to meet you guys,"

    Most of them greeted her.

   "Mr. Silver tongue?" Jeongin questioned.

    "Oh, yeah, we had to retry a whole case, because Hyunjin was a little too good with speaking and a jury member fell in love with him. Yeonjun Choi, pleasure to meet you all,"

   Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Let's go inside, before we are late,'

     Felix looked at his phone, "Uhm, I'll be in, in a minute," he said, walking off to the side to answer the call.

    "Yeonjun, wait for him," Shuhua said.

   Yeonjun nodded.

   He stood off to the side and watched the others enter the courtroom.

    "I told you to stop calling me," Yeonjun couldn't hear what the other person said, but he was still interested.

   "It was a stupid drunk mistake… there are several scenes in a Stephen King novel that I would reenact before I go on a date with you… why? Because you are a manipulative, emotionally unavailable, jackass who doesn't know what the word 'no' means,"

   Yeonjun's eyes widened.

    "Okay, here's your choices: you stop calling me, stop texting, stop interacting with me on any level or the next time you send me flowers, chocolates, or text me or call me, I go to the police and file harassment charges, because yes I can do that… It became harassment after two-hundred unanswered calls and after I blocked you five different times…

  Literally, I have the whole legal system on my side with that. I have multiple people who have heard me tell you 'no' more than once who can testify to it. Hell, there were about twenty people in the courtyard when you grabbed my arm and left bruises after I told you that I didn't want to go out with you," Felix stated.

     Yeonjun heard Felix sigh.

   "Look, next time I get anything from you, it won't be me you are dealing with, it will be the police and my brother and I really don't think the school wants their star soccer player being looked into by the police,"

   Felix hung up and groaned, "This is why I don't hook up,"
    "Boyfriend?" Yeonjun questioned.

  "No, a douchebag. I thought you were going in the court?"

   "I was told to wait here for you,"

   "I know how to walk into a courtroom," Felix said.

   "Yeah, Shuhua is just a little cautious," Yeonjun said.

   Felix hummed, "Let's go in there before we somehow get in trouble,"

   Yeonjun nodded.

  Hyunjin was probably already annoyed.

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