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   Felix sat down next to Yuna and Yeonjun.

   "Everything okay?" Yuna asked quietly.

  "Yeah, just a little issue," Felix said.

   Yuna nodded.
    This case was a criminal one. It was similar to the mock case that they did.

   The morning break came and something just felt off.

    "We'll be right back," Shuhua stated, pulling Hyunjin and Yeonjun off.

    "If I don't talk to my brother he's going to blow a fuse, I'll be back," Felix muttered.


   "What are you doing?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "Yeonjun, speak and speak quickly," Shuhua said. 

    "Hold on, what are we talking about?" Hyunjin asked.

  "Shuhua asked me to stay behind to listen to the phone call," Yeonjun said.

   "Okay, wait that is an invasion of privacy,"

   "Well I am curious and technically it isn't illegal," Shuhua stated.

   Hyunjin shook his head.

   Shuhua turned to Yeonjun, "What was it about?"

  "Some kid he hooked up with doesn't know the word 'no'. He's blocked the guy five times. Said no to him more than once. There was an incident where the guy got a little physical left bruises, however I am 99% sure that guy won't be contacting him again though, because Felix threatened to file harassment charges,"

   "Who was the guy?" Shuhua questioned.

    "Some star athlete," Yeonjun told her

"Could he actually file charges?"

   "Yeah, and I don't see why he hasn't," Hyunjin said.

   "I mean star athlete, it would probably ruin someone's career," Yeonjun said.

Hyunjin hummed.

   "If he has witnesses it would be easy to get a restraining order or something," Shuhua mentioned.

  "Back on point guys, please. We are in trial," Hyunjin stated.

    "Huh. Wait, what about?" Yeonjun questioned.

  "Right now it isn't something we can intervene in. When he comes to one of us then we can talk, but he is handling it himself. So, Shuhua which of the jurors look like they are on our side?" Hyunjin asked.

   "Uhm, four of the twelve. Jurors 12, 10, 7, and 2," she said.

   "Looks like your silver tongue isn't working so well," Yeonjun said.

   Hyunjin rolled his eyes and looked at his watch, "We have to get back in there,"

     As they were walking back in Hyunjin caught sight of Felix and Minho. Felix was clearly annoyed and Minho was saying something.

   "Mr. Lee, I do believe it is time for us to get back inside," Hyunjin called out.

   Felix whispered something to Minho which seemed to frustrate the older, then walked over to enter the courtroom.

  "Is everything okay?" Hyunjin questioned.

  "Yeah, just a sibling quarrel," Felix muttered, stepping into the room.

   Hyunjin followed slightly confused.

  The last of the day was boring. Felix swore he feel asleep for a spilt second. Still though, everything felt off.

    "Everything okay, Lix?" Jeongin questioned.

   "Uhm, don't you guys feel like there is something wrong?" Felix asked.

   "Honestly, it seems like a pretty open and shut case. The dad obviously did it," Ava said dismissively.

   "I don't know, I'm all one for getting the bad guy, but something isn't really adding up," Gaeul said.

    Felix sighed, "I have to go. I need to go do the lecture,"

   "I think Professor Hwang needed to speak with you about something," Yuna mentioned.

  "Can you cover for me? I am going to be late if I don't leave now,"

    Yuna nodded.

   "I'll see you guys tomorrow," Felix said leaving quickly.

    Not two Minutes later did Hyunjin come over.

   "Where is Mr. Lee?" He asked.

  "He had to go for the lecture. He was going to be late if he didn't leave soon,"  Yuna told him.

  Hyunjin pressed his lips together and nodded.

  "What did you need to talk to him about anyways, Professor Hwang?" Ava questioned.

    "Something that does not pertain to you, Ms. Lynn,"

   The four others students stiffled laughs.

   "Shuhua and Yeonjun, will be taking you guys back to the office to go over the case. I have to attend to some things before I get back," Hyunjin said.

   "Oh? What do you have to do?" Yeonjun questioned.

  "Nothing that concerns you. I will see you at the office,"

    Yeonjun hummed, watching the younger walk away.

  "Interesting," he mumbled

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