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     Felix walked into the room lips pursed.

  However, it was empty.



  Felix jumped and turned around, his eyes widening seeing the girl in front of him.

   "Hey, Lix," she said.

    "When- why didn't you call?" Felix asked, tears welling in his eyes.

"I wanted to surprise you. I couldn't exactly walk properly when I like woke up, I guess," the younger said.

   "You should have called still, do you know how fast we would have come here?"

   "I called Minho and Rach, they came here and helped me. I also met Minjunnie, he was really sweet, and their going to have another baby,"

   Felix's heart fell, and the girl could see it.

   "Felix, I only called them because I wanted to surprise you when you came,"

   "I know but I would have liked to know sooner,"

  "There's actually a reason you are the only one who came today," she said.


  "I am being discharged today and I want to spend it just you and I, so we have some time to catch up. I've already caught up with everyone else,"

   Felix hugged the girl gently, "I've missed you,"

   "I've missed you too,"

  "So what have I missed with you?"

   "Well, I'm in grad school now. I'm not in a relationship. I basically the same from before just older,"

   "I don't believe that. Come on, tell me everything,"

  Felix sighed and explained to her everything that had happened over the past four years.

  "Okay, was not expecting all that, but wow,"

   Felix chuckled a stirred his smoothie.

  "First, that Winslow guy he sounds like an ass, he also sounds like he is trying to have like power and compensate for something else. Second, you like your professor?"

   "That always seems to be the ringer. Yeah, but I know it's not going to go anywhere, we've had a few slip-ups with things, but we are starting to set boundaries,"

  "A few slip-ups, you guys slept together, boundaries aren't going to help that. I mean he comes to your hotel room and says he wants you to be his and even though it was only for a night that has to involve some interesting emotions.

  None of the hook ups I ever had started with the other person saying 'I want you to be mine for the night,' none of them granted it was only like two, but still my point stands,"

   "Okay, no more about me, please," Felix said.

  "Oh no, we are talking about this. Look I understand why you think the thing with your professor may not happen, but what about the Declan guy? He is twenty-five and willing to show a different side of things.

  Every guy you have been with has always been older than you. This guy is your age and he seems really sweet, I'm not saying get married and have kids, I'm just saying take it for a test run,"

  Felix bit his lip, maybe she was right.

    Push, push, and fall.

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