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  "It is just dinner," the small girl said.

   "I know,"

  "It is just a casual dinner," she added.

  Hyunjin sighed and turned to Viola, "Too much?" He asked.

  "Are you planning on asking Lixie to marry you tonight?" Viola asked.

  "No… I don't think at least,"

  Viola sighed, she walked further into the closet and hummed.

  "This, this, this, and those shoes,"

   Hyunjin pulled out the clothes, "it took you two seconds to come up with this,"

  "It's a gift,"

  Hyunjin hummed, "You want to go pick out some rings while I change,"

  Viola nodded and left the closet.

  Hyunjin took his tie off and tossed it to the side, "So, what do you think of Felix?"

   The girl hummed and picked up a ring, just to set it back down, "I like him, he is really nice. He bakes cookies and brings them in for me,"

   "Is that where you keep getting the cookies?"


    "Okay. So, you like him?" Hyunjin questioned.

  "Yes, I do," Viola said.

  "That is good," Hyunjin said.

  "If you like home why haven't you told him?" Viola asked, setting a ring down in front of her.

  "Uh, it is complicated,"

   "If it is complicated because of me, stop worrying, I like Lixie and I know Lixie likes you. If it is complicated because of the other guy, then talk to Lixie,"

  Hyunjin exited the closet and walked over to the six year old.

  "It is more than just those two things. I… I made some pretty set in stone decisions when it came to the relationship between Felix and I," he said taking the rings from her and putting them on.

   "Then unmake them,"

   "Ah, it isn't that simple sweets,"

  "Yes it is. It is like me saying I want vanilla ice cream I am pretty set on having the vanilla ice cream, but then we get to the ice cream shop and I see the mango ice cream. I decide to unmake my pretty set decision of having vanilla ice cream, in favour of having mango ice cream. You just have to unmake it," Viola explained.

   "For some reason, I am having a hard time arguing with that logic,"

   "Again a gift,"

  Hyunjin nodded and took a step back, "Okay, is this better?"

  Hyunjin was wearing a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans.

  "You look like you belong in a boy band,"

  Hyunjin tilted his head.

  "Nothing wrong story. Let's go! I wanna ride the motorcycle," Viola said.



  "No, it could be dangerous,"

  "Please! Just once!"

   Hyunjin sighed, "Fine,"



   "Who isn't here yet?" Jisung questioned.

   "Hyunjin and Vi," Minho said.

  "Right," Jisung said.

  "Hey, hey, person who looks like he is going to pop, go sit down," Felix said.

   The doorbell rang, "Hey, Lix, go get the door," Jisung said.

  Felix sighed and went to get the door.

   It was Hyunjin and Viola.

  "Hey, come in," Felix said.

   Hyunjin and Viola entered the house, "Lixie! Are there cookies?"

  "There are, but you have to eat dinner first," Felix said.

   Viola whined, "But cookies,"

  "Jisung and Minho are making lots of yummy food,"

  "Okay, fine, you win this time,"

   Viola skipped off probably going to  sneak a cookie.

   "You look nice," Hyunjin said.

    "Thanks, Yunjin chose my outfit. Uhm, you look nice too," Felix said.

   "Yeah, Vi, chose them,"

    Felix smiled and nodded, "Uhm, I should go help Jisung. Minho is in the patio at the grill. It was nice to see you professor Hwang,"

  "Please, we aren't in class, just Hyunjin," Hyunjin said.

  Felix pursed his lips, "It wouldn't be appropriate… boundaries, remember?" He said.

  Hyunjin was about to speak but someone else did, "Lix, uhm, Jisung is like trying to get the ham our of the oven, he won't let me help,"


"Uh, okay, I'm coming," Felix gave Hyunjin a small smiled then walked away.

   Hyunjin let out a breath and then pursed his lips.

  You wanted the boundaries…

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