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     Felix groaned and reached over to the other side of the bed.

   It was cold.

  Opening his eyes, he looked over to the other side of the bed.

    It happened. He knew it happened, especially since his lower back was sore (and so was his scalp).

  He knew it was going to to happen, but it didn't hurt less.

   "Only for the night," Felix whispered.
   Grabbing his phone he called Seungmin.

   "Hey, love, how's phase two?"

   "Phase two never started. Can you come over?" Felix asked.

"Of course, what room?"

  "416. Thank you, Minnie,"

  "It's what best friends are for,"

   Twenty minutes later there was a knock at Felix's hotel door.

  Getting up from the couch Felix walked to the door and answered, immediately hugging Seungmin.

    Seungmin easily lifted Felix and closed the hotel door.

  "What happened?" He asked, sitting on the bed with Felix.

  "I made a big mistake,"

    "What'd you do?"

   "I slept with the professor I like," Felix answered, sitting on the bed.

    Seungmin's eyes widened, "Phase two was putting distance between you two, not having sex," Seungmin said

  "I know, I know, but last night… god, Minnie, last night he was so sweet. He treated me so good. I mean you remember how with him it all felt rushed?"

   Seungmin nodded.

  "This was different, so different. He made me feel like he wanted me. It's just the reality of it all came crashing back when I woke up this morning and he was gone," Felix said.

   "Wait, you are singing high praises for him when after you guys had sex he left while you were asleep without so much of a note?" Seungmin questioned.

   "Hey, I never said sleeping with him was a good idea. I mean I knew it was going to happen, because he literally said: 'just for tonight I want you to be mine,' but still it hurts,"

  Seungmin pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "Okay, here is what you should do. Get dressed because you have court in an hour. You are also going to go through with phase two in at least some way. I know you said that this case was a little more emotional, so instead of fully ignoring him or giving him the cold shoulder, what you are going to do is keep any answers with him short or specifically about the case.

   You need to figure out if you actually like him and you know fringe benefit might be him realising his feelings for you," Seungmin said.

   "Instead can we do a nice of two and three?" Felix questioned.

   "Two and three? Why three?"

   Felix opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it.

  Humming, he spoke, "Mm, for now I am going to shield you from the reasoning behind three because it involves things that happened last night and I am sure you don't want to know that,"

  Seungmin nodded.

  He really didn't need to know that… at least not now.

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