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Same trigger warning from last chapter applies here

Talks of abuse here

There may be more detail, viewer discretion is advised.

🌪️= Details there are some details viewer discretion is advised


"The state calls Felix Lee to the stand,"

Hyunjin turned around, "You five, leave please," he said to the five students.

"What why?" Gaeul questioned.

"Please, just leave," Hyunjin said.

Four of the five got up.

"Ms. Lynn, leave now, please,"

Ava rolled her eyes and got up leaving the room with the other four.

Jinsoul stood at the podium, "Mr. Lee can you please state your name for the record,"

"My name is Felix Lee,"

"Mr. Lee, ten years ago on the night of December 23rd where were you?" Jinsoul asked.

Felix pursed his lips, "I was at my cousin Lani's house,"

"Was there any particular reason you were there?"

The younger nodded, "I was starting to get into, uhm, doing my nails and makeup and Lani was showing me how to do those things. She also gave me some of her older clothes," Felix said.

"Had you ever been to Lani's house before that day?"

"Yeah, uh, Lani and I were as thick as Thieves, we always went to each other's houses,"

"How many times before today have you seen the defendant?" Jinsoul asked.

"Too many times," Felix muttered.

Hyunjin pursed his lips and picked his pen up, and began drawing little circles on his legal pad.

"What was your relationship with Mr. James like in the time you knew him?"

Felix took a shaky breath, "He isn't a nice man,"

"Could you expand on that, please?" Jinsoul asked softly.

"He was abusive, to Lani's mom before she passed, to Lani, and to me. I don't remember what it was like for Lani's mom, but for Lani and I, it was bad. Sometimes he used his fists other times it was his belt, it all depended on how angry he was," Felix answered.

"The night of the 23rd ten years ago what happened?"

"Lani and I were in her room and Mr. James came home. Lani hid me in her closet because she didn't want Mr. James to see me," "I am going to stop you right there, why did she not want Mr. James to see you?"

Felix pursed his lips, "The previous week Mr. James threatened me saying-" "Objection, your honour, hearsay," Hyunjin said.

"They are statements of a party opponent, your honour," Jinsoul said.

"Your objection is overruled," the judge said.

"Mr. Lee, you may continue,"

Felix took a deep breath and looked around for a moment trying to ground himself. His eyes caught Hyunjin's for a moment, they seemed softer than any other time he had looked at them.

"He told me the next time he saw me he would kill me, that night Lani hid me in her closet and I watched it happen,"

"What did you see?" Jinsoul asked gently.

"he killed her. he... hurt her... it was all because she had a girlfriend... families- some are far from perfect but this... i don't think there is a word for it... it didn't matter how many times she tried to get him to stop, he wouldn't, he didn't want to. the smile he had after... it still- i still see it,"

"What happened after?"

"He knew I was there in the closet, he pulled me out by my hair, then did the same thing to me that he did to her, except he didn't get what he wanted, because I'm still here,"

"What happened as a result, Felix?" Jinsoul asked.

"Ten broken ribs, five fractured, a punctured lung, a bleed in my brain, my left eye socket was fractured, a broken arm, and my jaw was wired shut because it was broken. I was in the hospital for two months and after that I went back to live with... my mom and dad, who had moved into my uncle's house.

Where they had given me Lani's room. I stayed there in the living room for four months and then my oldest sibling admitted me to an in-patient facility where I stayed for two years with my three siblings visiting anytime they could,"

"I have no further questions," Jinsoul said.


Hyunjin pursed his lips and went up to the podium.

"Mr. Lee... it has been ten years, is it possible that you could be mistaking Mr. James for someone else?" Hyunjin questioned.


Shuhua watched Hyunjin grip the podium his knuckles turning white. This is why Hyunjin didn't like this case. This moment right here.

"Mr. Lee, is it possible that you were so clouded by fear that you mistook Mr. James for someone entirely different?" Hyunjin questioned.

Hyunjin hated this with every ounce of his being. He hated it and couldn't understand why, he was usually good at seperating his emotions from work, but right now he wanted to inflict the same amount of pain that was inflicted on Felix ten years ago, on the man who was sitting at the table staring Felix down with a smirk.

"Mr. James always had a distinct smell when he came home from work, he worked in a hospital he always smelled like the sanitizing spray. That is all I could smell when it was happening... the sanitizing spray that he used at work," Felix said.

"I have no further questions," Hyunjin said softly.


"No, redirect, your honour," Jinsoul said.

"Okay, Mr. Lee you are free to sit in the gallery or leave," the judge said.

Felix nodded and stood up, with bailiff he left through the side door to avoid his friends.

"We will reconvene at 9 in the morning on Wednesday," she said.

The bailiff took Mr. James away, leaving, Jinsoul, Shuhua, and Hyunjin in the room.

"Hyunjin," Shuhua said softly.

"I need to go," he said, swiftly taking his things and leaving.

Shuhua pursed her lips, then sighed.

Something told her he wasn't happy.

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