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   "Room 315, dear,"

  Hyunjin nodded and went to the elevator.

   Clicking on the three he took a deep breath. The elevator dinged and opened the door. As he walked down the hall his breathing became shaky.

   He entered the room and smiled softly, "Hey, baby," he said softly.

   The girl turned and smiled softly, "Hi, daddy!"

     Felix sighed and laid back in his bed.

  He felt a little bother by earlier, but he also felt sorry.

  Picking up his phone he opened his messages with Hyunjin.

Felix Lee
I'm sorry about earlier.
I shouldn't have brought our personal drama into everything. Especially not in front of my brother.

   Deleting the message, he turned his phone off and dropped it on the bed next to him.

    "Hey, you want to talk?"

   Felix looked over at the entry of his room. Jisung was there with a sympathetic smile.

   "It feels like everything is fucked up, Sung. It feels like I fucked everything up with him," Felix said, sitting up.

    Jisung walked further into the room and sat with Felix.

   "It's just a messy situation, Lix. Not everything that happened was on you, some of it was on him too," Jisung said.

   "I wish I just handled things better. Because if I did, I wouldn't be in this position…" Felix paused, "I wouldn't be in love with him. If I had just dropped the class none of this would have happened," he told Jisung.

  "Baby, you can't be sure of that. I mean you believe in fate, if fate wanted this to happen the fate would have done everything to make it so,"

    "I knew that I was going to get hurt, but still I let it happen, I let myself fall for him,"

   "Look, from what I know Hyunjin is a little similar with you with relationships. He's only had one serious relationship and it lasted twelve years. He was going to propose, but stuff happened and it fell through.

  From what Minho told me, he hasn't always been so cold and closed off, he used to be very open and he was in love with love, he apparently used to write love poems and do a lot of love based art, but after her, he stopped and just closed himself off,"

   Felix thought of that for a minute.

   He couldn't help the small smile on his lips. There was just something so cute about thinking of his normally cold professor writing love poems.

  "What are you smiling about?"

   "It's nothing. What is Minho doing?"

  "Nightcap. I can't drink, but you can, do you want to join him?" Jisung asked

  "Uh, no, I had a really bad hangover a couple weeks ago and I kind of swore if drinking for a bit," Felix said

   "Okay, well, I am going to sleep because this one has decided to take all my energy. I love you, goodnight,"

   "Goodnight, love you,"

  Jisung stood up and walked to the entry, then turned to Felix, "Just give him time. It may take sixty chapters of a book to just confess, but after that it may only take four to realise he wants you in his life,"

   Felix nodded, "Sixty, huh,"

   Jisung smiled and left the room.

Felix bit his lip.

  What if it is less than sixty?

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