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    "I hate this," Felix groaned.

  "What's up, babe?" Yunjin asked.

  "This stupid class, I'm not supposed to even be in it,"

   Yunjin looked at the schedule, "Holy crap, you are in that criminal law class?"

   Felix rolled his eyes, "Yes, and the professor is an ass,"

   "Lix, this is a highly desired class. Professor Hwang, is amazing," she said.

  "An amazing jerk," Felix scoffed.

     "He hand picks every student and only four of them end up working with him. It doesn't matter what field you are studying, if he wants you, he will get you,"

   The older sighed, "I don't see why he wants me. I'm not someone who desires to be a lawyer,"

   "What are you doing right now?" Yunjin asked.

  "The assignment?"

   "He drops a person every week until he has four, if you don't want to be in the class, don't do the assignment and he'll drop you,"

   Felix bit his lip, he hated that Yunjin was right.

   "I hope you guys are ready. One of you is going to get dropped today,"

  Whispers erupted.

   "I'm kidding, that is next class," Hyunjin stated.

    The class quieted down.

  "Okay, we are starting with Ms. Yuna Shin. You can do whichever first, it is up to you,"

   Yuna stood up, "I will be doing defence first," she said.

    Hyunjin nodded and wrote something down.

   "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, my client is not guilty. The evidence today will reflect this. In fact I believe that it will reflect that it was not my client but Mrs. Waterstone's lover who committed the crime.

   He had the motive and the means to, the evidence will reflect this. It will show that Mr. Bailey knew when the best time to go through with the crime was. My client is innocent and I believe by the end of this you will agree," Yuna finished.

  "Ms. Shin, sit down. You are part of defence," Hyunjin said.

  "But I didn't get to the prosecution,"

  "You don't need to. You are obviously passionate about defending people. Please sit,"

   Yuna smiled and sat down.

     Person after person, each person getting assigned prosecution or defence.
    "Mr. Lee, it is your turn, however, you unlike everyone else will be presenting both sides," Hyunjin said.

   Felix pursed his lips, of course he was to present both sides.

    Taking a deep breath he stood up, "People of the Jury, Mr. Waterstone is guilty and the evidence will reflect that. Mr. James Waterstone, had the motive and had the means to. On November 2nd at 10:45 a.m. Mr. Waterstone came home from work while his oldest child was supposed to be at school with the intent to commit a crime.

   A crime that would take not one life but four. On that day and in that hour he would kill his wife Laura Waterstone, his twin daughters Lilyanne and Marianne, and his son Jake. He planned on doing this all while his oldest son was at school.

    He killed his wife because she was cheating on him with Mr. Bailey and he killed his three innocent kids simply because they weren't his. The evidence will show this and it will show he is guilty," Felix finished.

   Hyunjin hummed, "Defence, now,"

    Felix looked down at his phone and set a quick message.

   "People of the Jury, Mr. Waterstone is innocent of this crime. The person guilty of this crime is Mr. Bailey…" Felix paused, "the evidence will show that Mr. Bailey had the motive to do it and Mr. Water-"


   Felix looked to the door and relaxed.

   "Ms. Hwang, what are you doing here?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "I need to borrow Felix or well Mr. Bang does," Yeji said.

    "Then why did he send you another professor to collect Felix,"

   "I offered, plus I need to speak with Felix about something regarding his paper in women's literature,"

   Hyunjin nodded, "Mr. Lee, you are assigned to neither defence of prosecution. You are an ace, meaning you can lean either way. You may leave with Professor Hwang," Hyunjin said.

   "But he didn't even finish,"

   "I don't need him to finish to place him. I didn't need him to speak to know he was he was going to be the ace. He was the only who presented prosecution who mentioned the kids and he would've been the only one in defence to mention the kids. He gave clear motive. Take notes or there may only be one of you by the end of semester," Hyunjin stated.

   Yeji raised a brow and hummed, "I would listen to him, my brother always keeps to his word. Last year none of the students went on to work with him,"

    Felix stood next to Yeji.

  "I will see you next class Mr. Lee. Tell Professor Bang next time he can wait, Yeji," Hyunjin said.

    "You know, it'd be easier for you to talk to him yourself," Yeji said.

    Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Before you go, Mr. Lee, this is the next assignment,"

    Felix took the papers and looked at it, his lips pressing together, "I'm sorry, I can't do this assignment,"

    "After your last class today, you may come to my office and make your case to why you can't do it, then I will make my decision,"

   Felix opened his mouth to speak, then closed it and nodded.

    He hated this class with a passion.

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