19 | Lifeless

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Did I regret my decision of trying to run away, yes and no.

Let's start with no, it was simple really. I needed out.

Yes, well my situation now speaks for itself. I haven't felt the fresh air on my skin for two weeks. The only source of sunlight I got was from the windows.

They kept Felix and I apart and I couldn't stop thinking about if he was doing okay or if he was fine. Minho said he was well but I knew Felix, he was throwing a tantrum and giving them hell.

Minho and I hadn't had a conversation since that night. He would quickly bring me my meals and would allow the maid to come in to clean up when needed—when it was my turn throwing a fit and threw stuff around because when I did try to ask questions or have a small conversation with the male he would look at me like I was some stranger and ignore me. When he did answer me it was quick and short.

I sit in the middle of the bed, staring at the door as the sun pours in from the large window. The sun was setting and for the past few days, I would sit there and watch the sun wave goodbye but not tonight.

I heard the doorknob and in walked Minho with a tray in his hands, it was dinner time and I wasn't hungry.

Minho walks to the desk and stops, staring at the lunch he had left here hours ago. "I wasn't hungry," I said, "And I'm not hungry now"

Minho scoots the tray and looks at me "You need to eat"

"I need air"

Minho clenched his jaw "You would have had it if you didn't try and run" This was the most I'd heard him speak for days.

I look down, "So you're just gonna keep us locked up forever?" I ask, "Better if you just killed me"

"Wouldn't it?" Minho says and I look up at him, feeling hurt by his words.

"I'm sorry," I said, shaking my head "You have to understand—"

Minho turns away "Eat or you'll get weak"

"I'm already weak," I said helplessly, making Minho stop and look at me "Can't you see?"

I felt weaker, since getting here. I felt thinner and lifeless. I wasn't blind and I know he wasn't either.

Minho sighs, motioning towards the closet "Get decent" he says "I'll take you to walk around the backyard"

My eyes lit up and I hopped off the bed, I only had a large white tee and boxers on but quickly threw on shorts.

Minho walked by my side as we walked down the stairs and I felt eyes on me as I kept my head down.


"He needs to walk around" Minhos voice was sharp but I didn't look up as we continued to walk outside.

With the warm air hitting my body, I felt like I could cry. I look around and my eyes go to a familiar bodyguard and he quickly looks away.

"After this, you will go up to your room and eat dinner" Minho orders and I nod slowly.

"Is Felix eating?"

Minho walks alongside me and nods "Yes, he is eating all his meals, no need to worry"

My eyes study his side profile, Minho came off so calm but I could tell that he was tense in this moment. His jaw set tight and his gaze focused.

"Not giving Changbin too much hell?"

Minho's steps slowed for a second before he says "Changbin is no longer in charge of keeping an eye on your brother"

I furrow my brows "What? What happened?"

Minho's lips set in a thin line "Everything is fine, Hyunjin looks after him now"

Silence surrounded us as we walked. It felt different between us. Like guards were up and not much was said.

"I'm sorry" I apologized again, stopping and turning to him.

Minho looks at me "You already said this"

I sigh loudly "Because I mean it. I'm sorry and I promise I won't try to escape again just—"

"No," Minho says instantly, not giving me time to finish.

"You didn't let me finish"

Minho looks around before shaking his head "You want to roam around again and I can't give that to you" He says.

I frown "I'm going insane in that room"

Minho looks at me with no emotion, "I'll take you for walks every morning after breakfast and before dinner"

I bite my bottom lip and I knew I fucked up. I knew that before I tried to run away—Minho trusted me, even when he said he didn't. I think he hoped I wouldn't try to leave but I did and the way he closed himself off around me now showed me that.

"I'll never try to run" I announced.

Minho looks over my face and nods slowly "Good, now let's take you back to your room"

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