33 | Married in Vegas

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Let's turn a drink into five years
Spend my money, oh honey, come and bleed me dry

Minho's POV
We weren't getting married. I mean not in a legal way. I was drunk but I was aware. Aware that marriage wasn't the answer and Jisung and I weren't even in a relationship—or we were... we haven't really talked about it.

This was a promise. Normal people would keep it simple and make the promise and try their very best to keep it but I wanted more and technically I wasn't the most sane person.

We hurried out of the restroom like lovesick teenagers, going back to the booth and hoping the others were there and luckily they were. "We're getting married," Jisung told them and some of them—no all of them froze and I could've sworn Chan was about to faint, "No! Not like actually" Jisung tried to explain.

"So like, a fake wedding?" Seungmin asks.

"Getting married in Vegas?" Jeongin questions "Can I be the officiant?"


"Boring, you would've had the hottest—youngest officiant anyone has had in... ever I guess"

Getting married in Vegas was not in my plans for this trip but even I should've known that life doesn't exactly go how you expect it to. Just like I would've never thought I would have a sexual relationship with a guy that worked at Changbin's club and so happened to be his boy—ex-boyfriend's older brother and to top it off one of the guys we happened to kidnap... yeah wouldn't have expected it. Especially because I don't sleep around but Jisung was so tempting, I couldn't not get my hands on him.

So as a group, we tried our best not to stumble out of the club and look drunk but most of us did, cough, cough, Jeongin and Seungmin. Calling our driver to pick us up and soon we were headed to a jewelry store. It was late but Chan had connections. He always did.

"Look at that one" Felix hovered over the glass "It's so big and pretty and—and—" Yeah he was drunk. His eyes sparkled at the ring and my eyes went to Changbin who spoke with Hyunjin. It was nice to know they didn't treat each other differently because of Felix. I was no fool to deny that Hyunjin and Felix had something going on. It probably wasn't physical, yet but I knew they connected on a way deeper level than Felix did with Changbin.

"I just want something simple" I hear Jisung say to his brother. "I'm not actually getting married Lix"


I chuckle and walk to them, my hand goes to the small of Jisung's back and he looks over at me "Find anything you like?"

Jisung looks down and bites at his bottom lip, contemplating. I look down and my eyes set on the ring, I look up and meet eyes with the jeweler.

"We'll get that one" I point and Jisung looks at me.

"Minho that's so expensive"

"Everything in this place is expensive" Jeongin walks to us "Especially me"

"This is the Diamond Eternity Band, very beautiful and perfect for you," She tells Jisung with a smile.

I look at him and he gives her a small smile before looking at me "Shouldn't you be picking yours?"

"I already did" Jisung furrows his brows and I lean in and give with a small peck "Let's go get married"

"Keep saying it like that and you'll convince yourself that we're really getting married"

I shrug "It's fun to say" Jisung laughs.

The night was filled with a lot of laughter. I don't think I've smiled so much, my cheeks started to hurt.

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