45 | Family

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Say hello to the future
Loving every minute 'cause you make me feel so alive

"Seungmin, my guy where did you come up on this?" Jeongin slings his arm over Seungmin's shoulder. I smile softly at the two as Seungmin pinches Jeongin's exposed side.

"Don't underestimate my skills and Back off" Seungmin threatens.

"Kids" Minho mumbles a small scoff but as I look towards him a small smile is on his lips as he grabs the bags from the trunk. Before I could grab mine he grabbed it and motioned up "Can you close it for me, baby?"

I roll my eyes playfully and close the trunk, "Of course, baby" I mock.

Minho lets out a small chuckle before walking past me and I turn around to the house. Finally getting a good look at it.

It was large, of course it was. There were eight of us staying here but it wasn't as close to the size of the house back home. Turning my head to the right and seeing the beach immediately welcoming us.

"Coming in?" I look to Minho who stands by the front door, bags already inside. I clear my throat and nod, hurrying up the steps and to my boyfriend who looks over at me. "This idea was great and all but I would much rather be somewhere else with you," He says as we walk into the house, wrapping his arms around my stomach and leaning into my ear "Alone"

I chuckle lightly, pushing him off and turning to him "As much as I love the thought, I've also never been to the beach" I lean to him and kiss his cheek, "But please get to booking that trip" I whisper and he laughs loudly.

The other voices are distanced from where we were and I curiously pull away from the male, allowing myself to explore the house. Minho excused himself, telling me he was going to claim our room but I didn't say anything back as I walked around.

The whole house gave beach house, that's what this was. A beach house on the beach. Definitely expensive but I learned to not question it. The house was bright, it felt odd to see them in a house like this. Assuming they chose how moody and warmly lit their house. All the furniture here was white and beige, with accents of different shades of blue, and any decoration that felt like the beach was here.

I walk further towards the back, passing the kitchen as I get closer to the other voices. Walking through the back sliding doors that were left open and immediately I smile as I watch Felix laugh loudly with Seungmin, both laughing as a glaring Jeongin who's soaking wet—clothes sticking to his body.

"You are a dead man" Jeongin yelled at the two but I knew he was talking to Seungmin who shrugs cockily.

"How do we think he got this place?" I heard Changbin say to Chan and Hyunjin as they both watched the three guys.

Hyunjin looks at me and clears his throat "Have y'all been to the beach before?" He asks me and I walk toward the three of them.

I shake my head "No, we never took trips"

Chan looks at me and I could've sworn I noticed a small frown fall onto his lips before Hyunjin says "We didn't get summer trips in foster care as well" He gives me a playful smile. Playful but it also felt like he was silently telling me that I didn't need to feel left out.

I have never seen much emotion from Hyunjin since being around him. He was always cool, calm, and collected. He hardly broke out of that character but now as he looked toward the crashing waves I could sense how the tension he always held in his shoulders suddenly disappeared.

"We kept it entertaining though" Changbin chuckles and nudges Hyunjin who looks at him and holds a smile back. I'm glad they were still close and whatever happened with Changbin and Felix didn't deter their close friendship.

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