15 | Me and You

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I turn to lay on my back, my left arm extending to the left side of the bed, and feeling the cold empty space beside me. My eyes opened and I look to see that it was indeed empty.

Sitting up and rubbing my tired eyes as I take in the room. Remembering I was in Minho's room and not mine. The blinds were barely open, allowing a small amount of light to peak through but still the room was dark.

I get off the bed and let my feet meet with the cold floor. Popping my head out of the room to look around before stepping out.

Nobody needed to know my business, that being me sleeping in Minho's. He was right last night when saying I could have slept in Felix's room but I didn't want to, simple as that.

I start walking down the stairs and once reaching the main floor I hear Hyunjin's voice "Fucking hell, why can't they do this themselves?" He cursed and soon he and Jeongin came into view as they held two trash bags each in hand. Stopping when they saw me standing by the stairs.

Hyunjin looks at me and then at Jeongin, who let out a nervous chuckle "Trash day" He said and pushed Hyunjin along to keep walking towards the back door.

"Jisung, I was looking for you but when I went to your room it was locked" I turn to Felix who walked out of the living room area.

Scratching my neck nervously "Yeah sorry, I was really tired" I look away from his curious eyes "What time is it?" I ask, it seemed like everyone was up and ready while I just started my day.

"Almost 2 pm"

My eyes widen "Oh god, I didn't mean to sleep that long"

"That's all we can do here" Felix groans and I look at him "I say we convince them to take us out" He whispered.

"They will never agree" Felix crosses his arms "Especially since you been on the outs with Changbin"

"I can get on his good side very quickly" Felix smirks "What do you say? Can you convince Minho?"

Minho, the one I kinda didn't want to see today because I knew he was curious about what I meant last night and what made me freak out in the first place. I wasn't ready for him to start searching my brain for my past.

I shake my head "Can't" I walk back to him and into the dining room, picking up an apple and biting into it.

"Why not? He can't be that upset with you" He wasn't upset with me actually but recently I've learned it was best to keep somethings away from Felix.

"Who said I wasn't the one upset?" I said "He kidnapped us and still they haven't given us a proper explanation"

Felix sighs "We need them to trust us, why aren't you trying to run away anymore?"

I roll my eyes "Felix, trust doesn't just show up overnight. They will be suspicious" Felix looks at me and chews at his bottom lip "What are you not telling me?"

Felix looks around, making sure nobody was around before looking back to me "What if I told you I already started the plan" He whispered.

I furrow my brows "What plan?"

"The one to get out of here," He says "I made up with Changbin last night—"


Felix shushed me "Quiet down, I did it so maybe he can start to feel bad and let us go"

"You don't have to throw yourself at him for us Lix, we will find a way"

"Then what is your plan?" He asked, "Wait it out and hope then won't hurt us?" His voice grew a bit louder "Here's a reality check Jisung, They are dangerous and I'm sure once they get what they want out of us they will kill us" That was a hard pill to swallow, Felix shaking his head at me.

"Then I guess we're already fucking dead" I spat and walked out of the dining room and ran up to my room.

I turn the door knob of the room and it was unlocked, making me walk in and slam the door. My hand went for the lamp on the dresser but stopped when realizing this wasn't my shit to break soon my fist met with the wall and pain ran up my arm, making me hiss and shake my hand.

"Fuck" I mutter, walking to the restroom and turning on the sink, blood dripping from my knuckles.

Felix was a pain in the ass and one thing about us is we knew how to work each other's nerves. He overstepped and it would led to this.

Me knowing I could never hurt my brother so I had to take my anger out somewhere else. Kinda shitty, I was well aware.

"Jisung" Minho's voice filled my room and I let my eyes close in irritation. I didn't answer as I grabbed a towel and covered my still-bleeding hand. "Hey, I heard your door slam, thought I'll check on you"

"I'm fine," I said and his eyes go to the towel, slowly walking towards me. His hand grabbed the towel roughly and pulled it off my hand.

"What did you do to it?" He said sternly as he grabs my wrist to inspect my injured hand.

I yank it away "I said I was fine!" I walk past him and out of the restroom.

"Jisung, just let me clean it for you"

I turn to him as he walked out of the restroom "I want to leave!" I yell at him "I-I can't be here anymore" My voice breaks and I shake my head.

Minho looks away "That's not possible"

"Yes, it is!" I said "Just let me go," I said in low voice.

Minho walks to me and puts his hand on my cheeks "I'll take you out" He said and I look into his eyes "Me and you, what do you say?"

I frown "Just for the day?" I ask.

He nods slowly "That's all I can give to you"

I swallow harshly, I knew Felix wanted to leave and asked me to convince Minho—here I was convincing him but Felix wasn't in that plan.

I nod "Okay" I agreed.

He smiled softly and pulled away, grabbing my wrist gently "Let me help you with this"

I was already dead, wasn't I? There was no choice in running.

Felix baby, that plan is shit

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