39 | Forever Bunny

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Baby i'm yours
'Til the stars fall from the sky

The last few days have been weird, to say the least. I didn't just notice it, I felt it. How Felix fully stopped opening up to me, he's been really close with Hyunjin these days.

Felix was interested in medicine and he studied it up until we got here. He couldn't really attend classes, but he's been talking about picking it back up. I thought nothing of it because I still wasn't sure how the others felt about us being out alone, I knew where I stood but truthfully I didn't know where Felix's head was anymore.

I ate in silence, letting the others fall into their conversations. My eyes dance over the two males before me, Hyunjin and Felix. Tonight Felix told us Hyunjin agreed to help with his studies. Not sure how I feel about it but I don't speak on it.

I want my brother happy, he's all I had. The only family I had but right now—In these past days he felt like a stranger. The small talk became so unbearable that I stopped trying to keep the conversation with him altogether. But I miss him.

"Everything okay?" I look to Minho who places his hand on my thigh, his gaze worried because I haven't said a word since we got to the table.

I nod slowly "Yeah" I place my hand on his and give it a small squeeze. I could tell he was ready to shut down my lie, knowing something was up but he didn't get the chance to as his name was called.

"Minho, those pictures, they need to be sent over by tonight," Chan says.

I don't bother looking at the other male, my eyes remaining on the guy beside me who did look at the other. I watched his chest rise as he inhaled a deep breath, nodding as his lips thin "I'll send them over after dinner"

"I can do it for you if you want" Jeongin suggests and this makes me look over at him curiously. He gives a small understanding smile to Minho and my brows push together. It was just pictures...

"Thanks but I need to check on some others anyway" I look to Minho as he takes his last bite of his food, my eyes fall to his plate which looks a lot different than mine, in the way that his food was gone and eaten whereas mine as still mostly there.

Only realizing now how Minho never leaves food on his plate, he always eats what's given to him. Never complains, never hesitates. I assume he was just a big foodie, with how much he works out I can't be that surprised. He also always left me food in the mornings when I woke up late, making sure I ate and watched as I did for a second.

I let out a small sigh and look ahead, catching Felix's eyes and he sends me a small smile. I stare at him for a moment before returning it.

I look out to the night sky, I've been in my head so much today. It has a lot to do with Felix but also this place. I was in this weird space with the guys, they trusted me and every day I could see us getting closer.

We were in a good place, though I can't lie and wish I had their full trust. I felt at arm's length with them, especially Minho. Like tonight he left after dinner for some picture thing. Things like this, I felt so out of the loop on and I was aware of it.

The sound of the door opening makes me swallow harshly. Not turning as Minho says "I didn't expect you to be awake"

"Couldn't sleep" I said lightly, turning around "I've gotten so used to having you here" I lean back, palms on the windowsill as I look at him "I shouldn't though, should I?"

Minho walks closer and I watch as he places a camera on the desk beside me, "Shouldn't what?" he questions.

"Get used to waking up to you," I say above a whisper but it hit him like a million bricks, still he didn't say a word before I pushed off the windowsill "Maybe I should just return to my room—"

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