50 | Theme Song

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Death ain't nothing but a heartbeat away
I'm living my life do-or-die, what can I say?

Minho's POV
Hate was a strong word, I didn't want to hate the man. I tolerated him in the beginning. I always have and there was a moment between where I found his presence growing on me.

When you care about someone, their happiness means more to you than someone you don't like so putting aside my dislikes wasn't a difficult decision for me to make. but I would be lying if I said that it wasn't hard now.

How many chances does one need? I'm no saint. The furthest thing from it, but looking at him told me we were almost on the same step. He's just goddamn better at hiding it.

Jisung puts his head on my shoulder, making my attention leave his brother who whispers something to Hyunjin.

Seungmin dragged us all into the living room to watch a horror movie, then proceeded to run out of the room because it was too gory. I think he forgot what our occupation entails.

A phone rings loudly, pulling my attention once again but this time to Chan who gets up from the loveseat and leaves into the hallway.

"You aren't watching the movie"

I look to Jisung and he gives me a knowing look, "I would if Jeongin didn't flinch at every jumpscare" I whisper back to him and he chuckles lowly.

The room was dark and the only light was from the TV, reflecting onto his skin as he said "It's a horror movie, Don't blame him"

I hum lowly and lean closer "It's predictable" I kiss his cheek softly, going to his ear "Stop defending him" I nip at his ear and he pushes me away with a smile.

"Sorry to break up movie night but we a dinner reservation," Chan says, entering the living room. "Felix and Jisung, if you want you two can order in since the rest of us will be gone," He tells the two before leaving.

I look to a pouting Jisung, "Your leaving?"

I nod, "It's probably some business dinner, shouldn't take long"

"You'll be back before bed right?"

I inhale softly, pushing his hair behind his ear. His hair had gotten longer since being here, waves falling into his face often but I liked it.

"Of course, I will never pass up on all your cuddles" I smile at him and he returns it. Leaning in a planting a brief kiss on his lips before pulling away, "I'll miss you"

Playfully he rolls his eyes, "You better" I laugh loudly and get up, leaving him in the living room with his brother.

For any normal decent human being, a dinner reservation was exactly that. Dinner. If you didn't pick up on it by now, the six of us weren't decent or normal humans. We actually fell on the psychotic side of the scale.

A dinner reservation meant we had business to take care of, involving lots of blood, begs for mercy, and tears... not from us but you get it.

Tonight I was on a time schedule, I never had a bedtime until Jisung but I don't mind it. Actually, I loved it, it was probably my favorite time of the day because it was just us and I had him to myself in the warmth of our bed.

I will admit leaving Jisung alone with Felix didn't sit right with me but technically they weren't alone, I made extra sure the guards kept watch on the two. It wasn't creepy, I was protective.

The thing is, I know how much all of this tantrum affects Jisung. It's directly being aimed at him and I know what that felt like. The worst type of pain comes from the people you love, the ones who are supposed to be on your side. I knew that feeling of pain and so yeah, I will go to certain lengths to make sure Jisung doesn't get more hurt from this.

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