08 | Karma

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I enter the apartment and before I can escape to my room I heard Felix follow quickly behind me "Jisung we need to talk" He said sternly and I've never heard Felix so upset as he was right now, never at me at least.

I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to him "What?" I ask "What do you possibly want to talk about that isn't what you already told me?"

Felix stares at me, a distance between us as he sighs loudly "I just want to protect you—"

"From what?!" I shout, tired of Felix acting this way "What are you possibly protecting me from?" I ask him.

Felix looks away and shakes his head "F-From getting hurt again"

My shoulder slump as I look at him "I'm your big brother Lix, I should be doing the protecting"

Felix looks at me and his eyes full of sadness as he held in something. "I'll always protect you Ji" He walks slowly to the couch and sits down, "And I don't want you to be with Minho"

I furrow my brows, walk to him and I stand in front of him "He's Changbins friend" I said, kneeling "Is Changbin dangerous?" I whisper, putting my hands on my brother's knees.

He looks at me and shakes his head vigorously "This isn't about Changbin"

"Are they dangerous?" I asked again. Looking into his eyes and his eyes start to water.

"I lied to you" He started "I have met Minho and I did meet some of Changbin's friends" He grabs my hands "That's why I'm telling you to stay away from him. He's bad news Jisung"

I swallow harshly. I heard what Felix was telling me. Loud and clear. The thing was I heard it all but I knew I couldn't stay away from him. He was like a drug I wasn't ready to quit yet. Something I've only gotten a little taste of but it wasn't enough until I had it all.

"I'll stop seeing him if you stop seeing Changbin"

Felix's eyes widen "What? No!"

I stand up and look down at him "What's the difference between him and Minho?"

"Minho is crazy—"

"And Changbin isn't?"

Felix scoffs "Jisung you are being unreasonable"

"How? How am I possibly being unreasonable when making a simple deal? They are both dangerous? Let's get rid of them"

Felix shakes his head "I-I can't leave Changbin" Felix starts to cry "I love him. I do and I was so confused about my feelings about him but I do and so I can't leave him"

"Then I can't promise that I'll stay away from Minho" Felix looks at me. "You have to trust me"

"I do trust you," He says "I don't trust him though"

I sit beside him and he turns to me "What did he do?"

Felix inhales sharply "I don't know all the details Jisung, but Changbin said he does bad things, and that's why we broke up"

"Because of Minho?"

"No because of all of them," Felix blurted out and I knew he didn't mean to but decided he didn't want to hide it as he sighs "When Changbin and I started getting serious he introduced me to his friends and after he told me what he does besides run the club and I left him. It was shitty of me but I did"

I furrow my brows and shake my head "Why did you get back with him then?"

Felix shrugs "My heart knew I loved him before my mind did" He chuckles bitterly and looks down "But now I realize I'm being a hypocrite because They aren't far off from each other. Minho does the crazy shit and Changbin—" He stops suddenly and clears his throat. Looking at me he says "I'm getting kinda tired, I should sleep"

Felix gets up and I let him without questioning it. Watching him walk to his room and with the closing of his door I sigh loudly.

Leaning back onto the couch and running my fingers through my hair. My phone buzzed in my pants, making me pull it out of my pants. "Hello?"

"You survived the brother?"

I heard his voice, sending chills down my spine. I wasn't sure if it was because it sounded sexier over the phone or because there is this secret I need to figure out about him. One that only intrigued me when I knew in my heart I should run. Far, Far away.

"Barely" I spoke softly, walking to my room and shutting the door.

His chuckle over the phone made me smile softly "What are you doing right?"

I look at myself in the large mirror that leaned against the wall "Undressing"

The other side of the line was quiet before he spoke up again "Yeah?" I hum, "If you play with yourself tonight, think of me"

I turn away from the mirror and go to my bed, sitting down but noticing the lingering smile on my face "Or I can think of one those other boys I saw tonight"

"Go ahead," He said "But it will be your fault if they don't show up to the club ever again"

My smile drops and I roll my eyes "You are the possessive type, aren't you?" I lay down and stare at the dark ceiling, waiting for his response.

"No, I'm just not the sharing type"

I chuckle lowly "Good thing I'm the exact same way"

"Is that so?" He said, "Looks like we fit each other beautifully"

"Or we're totally bad for each other"

He was quiet for a second before saying "I don't have a problem with going against the universe"

I laugh loudly now "Karma will bite you in the ass"

"I am karma" He jokes around with a small low chuckle, making me bite my lips—biting back a smile. "Karma loves me"

Karma, Karma, Karma. We love her don't we?

Also I can't help but think of Karma by Taylor swift.
Oh wait, it's in the 'bunny' playlist meaning one thing... karma will definitely bite them in the ass but good or bad karma is the real question.


enough hints, i'm tired fr lmao gn<3

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