29 | I Can't Lose You

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I'll make your body a habit
You know there's some kind of magic

It was probably stupid of me to still have trust in Jisung. Do I trust him fully, no but I do have trust in him even after what he pulled last night. I heard the fear in his voice and I also heard the regret after.

Jisung and Felix were in survival mode for years and I know that trust is a hard thing for them but we weren't going to hurt them and I would never allow the others the put them in danger.

Okay, maybe this plan was risky but Chan needed this and I can't speak for Jisung. It's his choice to join us and if he disagreed I wouldn't try to change his mind. I knew Jisung was anxious about this event and tried his best to hide it because he didn't want Felix to freak but I noticed. I noticed how he didn't eat breakfast and how he seemed more in his head than normal.

Going back to last night, I don't hold anything against him. I understand if anything. I also understand that it's never good to walk into a plan with a lot of stress on your shoulders, so here I was to help.

His hands ran down my chest as the hot water dripped down our bodies. My lips are on his neck as I kiss lightly, making him sigh at the feeling. "Don't be stressed, Ji"

He pulls away and looks at me "How can I not? We're practically going into this blind"

I cup his cheeks in my hands "We will be fine, stop worrying" I kiss his lips and he leans into it immediately.

We haven't had sex since the night back at home. It was never initiated and I didn't want Jisung to think that's what I wanted him for now.

I wasn't a party type of guy and only had to when I needed to for work. I didn't sleep around and I definitely didn't do relationships. My life just didn't fit with those things.

My job was complicated and I knew whatever this was would also be just that. I have no idea why I chose to get this close to Jisung. I was good with boundaries and setting them especially when it came to work and this was kinda a part of work.

I did get a good lecture from Chan that this wasn't a good idea. Getting involved with him but it started before this whole thing. Changbin also got a lecture but as we all know, that relationship crashed a burned a bit more quickly than I would have expected.


I should've ended this and kept it professional between us but right now as we invade each other's mouths and his hands run down my chest before grabbing my dick, I knew we could never be professional.

Not when his body was in my dreams and his moans were music to my ears. I groan and grab his jaw roughly, pulling him away from my lips and he smirks as pleasure washes over my face.

I was the one that was supposed to take his stress away but here I was letting him pump my now hard cock as I lose myself in the way his lips go to my neck, kissing, and nibbling.

"Fuck, we can't be doing this right now" I grunt. We were supposed to have a quick shower because we had to start getting ready but other things were on his mind as he kissed my jaw.

"But I want you to fuck me now" He whispers.

My lips clash with his and he lets go of my dick, grabbing my face to bring me closer. Our dick brushed together making us let out a breathy moan into the kiss.

His back hits the wall and I grab onto his leg, making him wrap them around my waist. I kiss down his jaw and he moans lightly, running his fingers through my hair as my hand finds his ass.

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