47 | Night Of Fun

877 44 43

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know
Everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold

We stayed at a house on the beach, of course, we're going to be at the beach most of the day. Today we chose the more popular part where lots of people were.

"Help me?" I hold out a bottle of sunscreen to Minho who relaxed on a lounge chair, peacefully under an umbrella and escaping the harsh sun.

Minho looks up, sunglasses on and chest out... he was all mine? I swoon just thinking about it.

He grabs it without a word. I sit down as he sits up, back towards him and I feel his hands smother me in sunscreen. "You know..." He starts and adds a small pressure onto my shoulders, leaning in "I'll kill anyone that looks at you a second too long"

I roll my eyes and stand up, turning to him "Oh those poor souls" I smirk before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm here to steal him from you" We both look towards Seungmin who smiles alongside Jeongin, "We're not asking for approval"

I look to Minho who sighs loudly, lying back down and motioning us to leave "He comes back without a scratch"

"Yes, Dad" Jeongin jokes and we walk away.

"And I was pulled away for what exactly?" I question the two.

"To get you drunk" I snap my head to Jeongin and he motions towards the bar on the beach.

"I don't think getting me drunk is the best idea," I say as we get to the bar, three of us taking a seat... weirdly I was in the middle as Jeongin motions over the bartender.

"Oh we're not just getting you drunk" Seungmin starts, "We're corrupting you"

I furrow my brows "Cute joke"

Seungmin laughs "No but we just wanted a drink and you were the perfect excuse to make sure Chan isn't on our asses about being a alcoholic or something" I open my mouth and then shut it immediately. Easy target, yet again.

They order quickly and Jeongin slides over a drink "And you need to let loose"

I look at him with a glare "Who says I'm not having a great time?"

He looks at me for a second "The conversation with Hyunjin—"

"Yeah I get it" I interrupt him.

"Conversation with Hyunjin? I'm listening" Seungmin leans closer.

I sigh "That was nothing and definitely not something I'm letting ruin this trip for all of us"

"How thoughtful" Seungmin takes a drink before saying "I planned this trip to perfection"

I look at him "Why is that?"

He thinks before shrugging "I wanted to go to the beach but coming here would be weird without everyone with me"

"Aw" We look to Jeongin who acts like he's wiping a tear away, "He does have an attachment to all of us"

"Solo trips are weird" Seungmin states.

"Solo trips are depressing" We turn our attention to a girl with bright green eyes. She smiles at us "Y'all don't look like you are from around here"

"We're on a group trip"

"Hot," She says, looking at Jeongin who pays little attention to her as he orders another drink. Looking back at me, "My brother djs at this rave tonight not far from here, y'all should come and have some fun"

"We can't," Jeongin says surprisingly, looking at her "We leave tomorrow and a hangover on the way back home isn't on our bucket list"

The girl frowns slightly, "Too bad, the raves around here are some of the best"

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