10 | Un-Fucking-Believable

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My eyes roamed the carnival, neon lights, and loud laughter mixed with the smell of food from all the food trucks.

"Isn't this nice?" Felix links his arm with mine with a large smile on his face.

"It's... okay"

Felix looks at me with an irritated look "Act happy for once brother"

"Who said I wasn't?" I said plainly and he stops in his tracks, making me do the same and he turns me to face him.

"You suck at showing emotions, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or you're actually having a good time"

I force a smile "Happy now?"

Felix looks over my face and sighs, continuing to walk. "I guess I'll settle for that fake-ass smile"

"I would be happier if you didn't rat me out to Changbin" I finally said.

Felix glances at me "I did no such thing"

"Funny because he told me you did"

Felix's steps slow down "Oh, did he now?"

"Yes, last week"

Felix stops again and looks at me "Why are you just telling me now then?"

I cross my arms "Maybe because I was hoping you would grow some balls and tell me that you were spreading my busy to my boss"

"Oh, I'm sorry that my boyfriend happens to be your boss," I notice this tone in his voice, he was getting offended but I should be the one upset, not him.

I scoff "Why are you getting mad?"

"I'm not" He looks around and back to me. "I'm just tired of talking about this"

"Then stop telling him my business" I walk away and he hurriedly walks beside me.

"Okay, I'm sorry" He apologizes. "He was the one that asked me about it"

I furrow my brows "Why would he do that?"

Felix shrugs "It's his best friend?" Felix's eyes go to a food truck and I watch them light up "Let's get food!" He pulls me to the truck.

"What do you want?" My eyes roam the menu and Felix didn't answer, making me look at him.

His eyes were on a group "Who are they?" I ask because I couldn't see their faces and he looks at me.

"N-Nobody" He grabs my arm and pulls me away from the food truck in the opposite way "I don't want that anymore" I furrow my brows but push the situation away.

I walk out of the restroom and look around "Felix?" I call out but no answer. "Always fucking wandering off" I mutter under my breath and pull out my phone to call the male.

"Hey" I look up at an unfamiliar male.

I look around and back to him "Are you talking to me?"

He chuckles lowly "Yeah, you look kinda familiar"

I swallow harshly as I grew uncomfortable with this situation. A lot of things roamed my head as he said those words. Maybe he knew who I was before moving here? Maybe he knows what we did.

I felt my hands shake and I shook my head "I-I don't know who you are" I tried to walk past him but he grabs my arm.

"What's your name?"

I pull my arm from his grip but before I can tell him to back off, he was stumbling back from Felix who appeared and pushed the male away.

"What's your fucking problem?!" He said harshly to the male. "Don't touch my brother"

"I was only asking for his name"

"Yeah, and you were making him uncomfortable!" Felix said back. This conversation was weird.

"Felix, what's going on?" I turn to the familiar voice. Changbin walks to us with some other guys I assume are his friends. That's where Felix went and that's why he was speaking to this male as he knew him because he did—he was Changbin's friend.

"Tell your fucking friends to lay off my brother," He said irritably to his boyfriend.

"What?" Changbin looked confused.

"Where did y'all go? You should have seen how I fucking obliterated Jeongin—" I froze as I heard Minho's voice as he walked into the situation—arm slung around I'm guessing Jeongin's shoulder, completely oblivious to what was happening. His eyes didn't go to me. He didn't even notice I was there as I stood there quietly. "—Hey, man what's wrong?" He said, walking to Chan.

"Not you too," Felix said, rolling his eyes. This gained Minho's attention, looking to Felix and soon his eyes went to mine.

He looked surprised to see us but quickly gained his composure and looked back to Chan "What—what happened?"

Felix crossed his arms "Yeah Chan, what happened? I would love for you to explain that to Minho, I mean he is kinda seeing my brother"

Chan looked to Minho "I didn't know that"

"Aren't you Minho?" Felix asks, pushing situations.

Minho looks at me briefly "Somewhat"

Felix chuckles bitterly "Somewhat? Are you hearing this Jisung, he doesn't even want to admit it around his friends"

"Felix, that's enough" I roll my eyes.

Felix looks at me "I won't let someone put their hands on you and get away with it or let this guy hurt you"

"What?" Minho said, looking at Chan "Put your hands on him?"

Chan shook his head "No, I just asked for his name because he look like—never mind"


"Felix" Changbin spoke up "Jisung is a grown man"

I look at Felix who glared at him "You of all people should understand" He said.

I felt Minho's eyes on me but I refused to look at him as I turned around and walked away from this mess.

Apart of me felt a bit bitter toward Minho. I didn't expect him to say we were in a relationship, because we weren't but now I just felt like some slut he secretly sleeps around with.

So I decided to pick up the speed on this story.

Truthfully I don't want to bore you with repeating a shit and I just want to jump into the fun.

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