42 | Boyfriend

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Nothing's gonna hurt you baby
As long as you're with me you'll be just fine

Did I sleep last night? No. I spent half the night watching the male beside me and the other half staring up at the ceiling.

For moments I thought about telling Minho, but why make him worry when it was probably nothing? I just needed to get over the incident at the event and all will be well.

As the sun came up that's when sleep took over. I slept in half the day and I knew Minho told himself it was because I was exhausted, he has been telling me I needed to sleep all this off and so that's what I'll do... or try to.

I groan lowly, tossing and turning until I allow myself to open my eyes, the room is still dark as the curtains are still closed over the large windows. The light peaked through the sides ever so slightly, making me aware that it was daytime.

I rub my tired eyes, sitting up and rolling my tense shoulders. I felt like I could sleep all day but my mind was telling me to get up.

I look over my shoulder and notice the empty spot beside me. I frown and push the cover off of my body, the cool air hitting my skin as I stand up.

The place was quiet, making me swallow harshly at the thought that I could be alone... but wasn't that what I wanted? For him to trust me enough to leave me alone? Now I wasn't so sure I wanted him to leave my side at all.

I walk out of the room and look over the railing that opens toward the large windows and down to the living room. Empty.

My hands glide along the metal railing as I step down the stairs, still no sounds. My heart quickens as I round the corner towards the kitchen where I completely halt my steps when meeting eyes with Minho who stood—palms planted and leaning on the marble counter.

"They wouldn't—" Minho's words stop when his eyes find mine, a small smile finds his face "How did you sleep?" He asks as I walk to him. He stands up fully allowing me to find safety in his embrace.

My eyes meet Jeongin who stands on the other side of the counter, "I slept okay" I tell Minho but Jeongin gives me a questioning gaze.

"I should be heading back to the house," Jeongin says as I pull away from Minho, "See you both... when do you plan on coming back?"

I look to Minho who thinks for a moment "Not sure yet" He looks over to me before looking at Jeongin again, "I'll let you know"

The male says his goodbye and leaves the two of us, making me turn to Minho "Is everything okay?"  

He looks at me and hums lightly, picking me up and sitting me on the counter—chuckling as I gaze at him "There's nothing to worry about baby"

My hands drag down his arms as I say "You telling me that makes me worry"

Minho laughs loudly and shakes his head "If you're okay, then so am I"

I frown and look down, "When will we go back?" I look back at him.

His hands on my thighs as he says "When do you want to go back?"

I shake my head "You can't answer my question with another question"

"I didn't. I ignored your question and asked you one instead" I glare at him and he sighs "Ji, we will go back when you feel comfortable enough to be in the same house as Felix"

My eyes fall to the hem of his shirt that I nervously mess with, "Can I be honest?"

Minho places his hand on my cheek, making my eyes meet his again as he says "I only ever want you to be honest with me"

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