32 | Vegas Baby

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Euphoria hurts, Love makes you blind
Surrender your heart, In club valentine

I walk from the restroom, my eyes gaze over the papers that cover the small hotel table. "I'm going to rip my hair out if I stay in this building any longer" Jeongin groans and stands up to walk to the large window to look over the city.

I continued walking, going to Minho who sat on a chair at the table. Chan and Minho went through the papers and I've been observing their faces for the past hour, it's seemed to me that the papers did give them the exact location of the person they were looking for.

Minho looks up to me as I walk to him and he puts the papers down and onto the table, inviting me to sit down and I do—right into his lap and he pulls me closer into his body.

"Everyone is bored," I tell him. After the event, we spent the next day not leaving this hotel and today I could see the boredom seep from everyone through their irritated tones. "I'm bored" I was going just as insane as the rest of them.

Minho looks at me "Your healing"

I roll my eyes "I'm not dying, it's cuts, not a gunshot wound"

"You're still hurt and Carson still hasn't sent over the camera footage to help us find out who it was"

"Carson this, Carson that, fuck Carson" I try to get off of Minho but he grabs my waist not allowing me to leave.

"I don't like involving him in this either Ji but Chan thinks this is the best bet" He whispers to me.

"You stole from him. You think he isn't going to find out?" We kept our voices down.

Minho smirks "You're cute"

I furrow my brows "That doesn't—"

"Answer your question? No, but all you need to know is that Carson would never suspect us to be the people that stole from him"

I look away and toward Chan, nobody knew about our conversation the other night. I don't know how they will react and I knew Minho wouldn't like the idea.

"I say we go out today" I announce.

"Oh my god, please" Seungmin gets up from the bed, "I'm begging"

"I love that idea"

"No" Minho looks at me, "I told you—"

"I don't care," I tell him, "I'm fine and I'm not going to force you all to stay in for our last night here"

"I love my brother and I want him to heal but it's Vegas" Felix backs me up and I look at Minho with a smile.

"Minho could stay here..." Jeongin says and this makes Minho glare at him, "Hey, I just understand that clubbing ain't your thing"

"Who said anything about clubbing?" Changbin speaks up.

"It's Vegas Baby" Jeongin responds.

Everyone turns to Chan who looks at us and briefly gazes at the papers on the table, looking at me "I don't think whoever did that to you will be trying anything else soon, it would be risky and they know we will be protecting you" He starts, "I do however think you need to have fun after the things you've went through"

"Does that mean you're in?"

Chan looks at everyone and sighs, nodding slowly and the guys cheer but Minho groans. Did he really hate clubbing that much?

The music was loud and the club was packed with unfamiliar faces. I've never gone clubbing, I've never had fun. At such a young age I had to grow up and think for not just myself but for Felix.

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