18 | Pretty, Please

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The sound of the key lock and the door opening made me look toward the sound. I sat on the bed, waiting to see Felix appear but the knots in my stomach appeared when Minho walks in.

"You still up?" He questioned.

My hand subtly reaches for the knife I snuck into my room after dinner, holding it behind my back as Minho takes a step closer to me.

"I couldn't sleep" I responded "But I'm tired now" I tried to get rid of him.

His brows raise slightly as he stood in front of me, looking down at me "I should be mad at you" He spoke softly. "Shouldn't I?"

"Yes, you should hate me"

"I don't hate you"

"You should go," I said, looking away "I'm tired" My hands squeezed at the knife. I don't know why I had it when I knew I wouldn't use it, not on him.

He made me feel weak, but not in a helpless way. In a way that I didn't need to protect myself because he oddly made me feel safe and I don't think I've ever felt like that.

He gently grabs my chin, making me look up at him "Don't force me to hate you" He said.

"You will soon enough" I whispered.

He furrowed his brow "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know why we're here, or why you need us. We aren't anything special and that's the truth. We can't give you what you need"

Minho pulls away and sighs lowly, "If you two really don't have what we need then that's fine"

"You won't just let us go"

Minho looks at me for a second before shaking his head "No"

"You'll kill us"

"Maybe" My jaw clenched "Maybe not"

I look down "I can't trust you" I spoke softly "I can't trust anyone here"

"That's mutual, Bunny" I look up at him and he still kept his calm composure "If you don't trust us, we can't trust you"

"You can't ask me to trust you after you kidnapped us, it doesn't work like that" I shake my head.

"I know" He tucks a hair behind my ear "But can't we all try to get along?"

I felt it again, myself falling into his soft gaze as he asked me something that couldn't happen. A look I couldn't quite figure out.

I nod "Okay" I agreed.

Minho smiles softly "Good boy," He said "Get some rest, Bunny" and with that, he was gone again.

I stare at the door and sigh "Good boy" I repeated his words "One thing I'm not" I took the knife from behind my back and look at it.

"Ready?" Felix whispers and I nod, both of us silently walking out of the room. The house was dark from what I could see and no noise was heard as we go down the stairs.

It was quiet but before we knew it there was a loud bang heard from the door that was always locked, making Felix grab onto me and we both look at it.

"I thought you said nobody is up at this time?!" I whisper-shout to him.

"That's what I was told," He said, pulling me along to the back door. "We need to hurry"

The fresh air hits us as we step out into the night. Spotting a guy that I assume is the security Felix talked to because he walked towards us.

"Felix, I didn't think you would actually try to leave" The guy seems shocked.

Felix shrugged "Can you blame us? We don't belong here, now can you help us and not waste our time?"

He looked at Felix and then at me "I'll be dead if they found out I helped you two escape"

"Pretty, Please," Felix said with hopeful eyes

"Fine, follow me" He gave in, walking us to the side. "Walk close to the wall, the cameras don't catch that part and don't say a word"

We followed his instructions, Felix holding my hand as we walked. I tried to stay calm but in reality, I was fucking terrified. I looked around constantly until we got to the end of the gate and the security types the code before it opened.

"That was easier than I thought," Felix said lowly and he was right, this was easy. Too easy even.

I look toward the security "How do we know you won't rat us out as soon as we step foot out of this gate?"

He rolls his eyes "Because I don't get paid enough to keep an eye out for two guys that only start problems around here"

Felix scoffs and before he could speak up I grab his hand and pull him out of the gate "We don't have time for this" I mutter, looking around.

"There's a guard by the front gate," Felix says, "He's always sleeping so I think we're good"

I furrow my brows "How—"

"No time for questions," Felix says and pulls me to run towards the security booth where the older guy was sleeping. Felix leans into the booth and pushes the button, opening the gate.

We ran and ran for what felt like hours. We knew our destination. It was our apartment, we needed to get stuff we needed—things that were important to keep hidden.

Getting to the apartment it felt like forever since we stepped foot in the place. Everything was the same, not a thing out of place and I sigh softly.

"We need to hurry, who knows how much time we have before they find out we're gone," I said to Felix who nods and runs to his room and I do the same.

Grabbing a bag out and stuffing whatever I could into it. My eyes to the top of my closet and I stare at it for a moment too long before I felt all the hairs stand up on my body.

Hearing my door creak closed, slowly turned my head to see someone I didn't expect. "Fel—" He rushes to me and puts his hand over my mouth, my back hitting the wall harshly as he shakes his head.

"Quiet down, bunny" Minho says, "Your neighbors are sleeping"

He slowly takes his hand off my mouth and I try to push him but he holds me in his strong grip. "Let me go or I'll scream"

Minho chuckles "Scream and Changbin will hurt your precious little brother" My jaw clenched and I look into his eyes but nothing wavered. His hands slowly let me go as he caresses my cheek softly "You really thought I was stupid?" His voice was haunting like he wanted me to hear the slight betrayal in his tone.

"You can't hurt me. You won't" I dared "You would have done it by now"

Minho looks at me for a second before stepping back "You told me already that you have nothing we need and your right, you two don't and so now that just means you're useless to us"

I swallow harshly "Then kill me"

Minho walks to me again and with only inches apart he says "I will when the time is right"

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