23 | Prove it to Me

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I tasted heaven, now I can't live without it
I can't forget you, and your love is the loudest

I cut into the pancakes, excited like a little kid to get a taste of the deliciousness that sits in front of me.

"Everyone, have bags packed by the end of the week," Chan says immediately as he walks into the kitchen. Grabbing a plate and loading it with breakfast.

"No, hello, good morning?" Jeongin asks.

"Hello, and good morning," Chan says, sitting down and starting to eat.

"Bags packed for what exactly?" Minho asks from beside me.

Chan looks up and sighs "For Vegas"

"Vegas?" Hyunjin says out loud "We—" He clears his throat "Didn't agree on that"

I looked around the table at the other guys and they all looked confused. This meant Hyunjin was right. I obviously had no idea what was going on and Felix was just as lost. Looking at me and I shrug.

"Yeah, it was a last-minute decision"

"But shouldn't we talk it over, maybe privately first?" Minho says and I knew he meant when Felix and I weren't around.

"You say it like we have people to tell," Felix says and Seungmin snorts.

He looks around "Sorry, it's funny because he's right," Seungmin says "I don't see why we hide anything from them when they clearly ain't going anywhere"

I swallowed harshly, I wasn't sure if I should be happy that he wanted to include us or see it as a rude comment.

"Seungmin, please, shut up" Changbin spoke up for the first time since he got in here. I could feel the tension at the table. It was hard to ignore it.

"Just have your bags packed by Thursday night, Stop asking a question and I'll fill you all in later"

The table went silent and I could feel the questions that lingered in everyone's head but nobody spoke up.

That was until Minho did. "What about Jisung and Felix, who will watch them here?"

Chan looks at Felix and then to me before looking at Minho "Nobody" Not a second later he continued with "They're going with us"

I tensed up and I know Minho did too, everyone did. We were leaving this house and not by running away but alongside them.

The rest of the breakfast was as tense as it could be and Minho remained quiet as the others tried to start a conversation but failed every time.

I knocked on the door softly "Come in" I heard him say and I did. Walking into Minho's room.

I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. "Minho?" I call for him and he walks out of his closet.

"Do you need me?"


He looks at me "Oh" Is all he says before going to his desk where pictures scatter the top. I walked to him and he closed the drawer, "What's wrong?"

He looks at me and shakes his head "Nothing, just trying to get things situated"

"You've been acting weird since breakfast"

Minho inhales "Sorry" He apologizes.

"I don't want you to apologize, I want you to tell me what's wrong"

Minho looks away and his eyes wander around the room mindlessly "Can I trust you?" He asks me, looking at me as he steps closer "Tell me I can, and tell me the truth"

I furrow my brows "Yes" I said right away, "I told you I wouldn't try to run again and that's the truth" I walk to him, holding his face in my hands "Please trust me"

He pulled my hands away from his face but he didn't drop them, he held them tightly in his. "I want to trust you, I do but I don't think I can until I know for sure" He admits to me, "Prove to me on this trip that I can trust you"

I let go of his hands and they find his face again "I will" I said urgently "I'll prove to you, whatever you want"

I kiss him and his hand grabs my waist tightly but it feels good. His hands always felt good when they roamed my body, it wasn't like anything I've felt before and maybe that's why I was so quick to allow him to touch me because I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

My arms wrap around his neck, my finger running through the hair on the back of his head. He hums lightly as our lips move together perfectly.

Turning me around and my legs hit the desk and he pushes me lightly away and onto the desk. My chest rose up and down as I watched him stare at me hungrily.

I sat on the desk, his fingers dancing onto my exposed thigh as my shorts rode up. "You'll prove it to me?"

I nod slowly "You can trust me, I have no reason to lie to you"

Minho smirks, grabbing the side of my neck and kissing me again. I allowed his tongue to roam my mouth before he kissed my cheek. I drowned in this feeling. His lips were on my cheeks, under my ear, and down to my neck.

I leaned on my hands, giving him more access to my neck where he kissed every inch of it. I let a low breathy moan escape my mouth.

He pulls away and I look at him, "We should stop" I swallow harshly and nod.

I wanted more, I wanted to feel more but I knew I wasn't ready for that. I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him into a hug. He does the same, seeming to understand where my head was at.

"Don't feel rushed Jisung" He says to me gently. "I'm in no hurry"

I couldn't deny it now, I was in deep when it came to Minho and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

*Song rec - Prisoner by Miley Cyrus ft. Dua Lipa*

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