51 | Bitter

612 37 17

Maybe I, lost my mind
No one noticed

All day I've been in my head, but that's become normal for me since the first day here. Except now I don't have anyone to go to. I couldn't run to Felix and spill to him all my relationship concerns because there was no denying the tension between my boyfriend and my brother.

Now I wasn't only worried for Felix but also for Minho. I've assumed his work was dangerous, why else did they have to be trained at such lengths? I knew this but seeing the aftermath of it made my stomach drop.

They were covered in blood, except for Seungmin who was spotless but still looked at me shocked as I had caught them trying to sneak into the house unnoticed. I don't even remember what Jeongin asked me as the sound of his voice was drowned out by my worry.

I didn't say a thing, following Minho to the room without a single word because all I needed to know was if the blood was his.

It wasn't. Most of it wasn't his and I'm sure none of it was the others as well. As it washed down the drain all that he had on his body were two minor wounds that would heal in no time but I was still left worrying. Not about him being physically hurt but mentally. I didn't want to leave him in that shower with his thoughts and even though I had a million questions running through my mind, I asked him none of them.

All day he's been back and forth, going and coming. I haven't seen him much and though I should take the time to sort out my thoughts, I found myself missing him. So here I was now, channel surfing out of boredom but finally stopping on some trashy TV show.

"I thought you would be in bed by now" I look to Felix as he walks towards me, sitting down on the couch with a huff.

"I'm not tried yet," I tell him. It was now after dinner and again Minho wasn't there to join, along with Chan and Changbin. Felix hums lowly and I turn to him "What's on your mind?" I offer him my attention.

He mindlessly looks at the TV show that plays as he thinks over his thoughts, "Do you want to do this?" He looks at me finally. He asked me, looking at me and fully concerned.

I give him a small smile and nod "I do" I reassure him. "It never hurt anyone to try and for us, I will always try"

Felix takes in a deep breath before pulling me into a tight hug. For a second I tensed up from the sudden action, but I melted into his embrace quickly taking advantage of it with the close of my eyes. "Thank you" He whispers lightly into my ear.

Pulling away we both get comfortable, pulling a blanket over our legs and watching the show that played. The noise of it must've summoned the others as they slowly joined every minute that passed. All but the ones that weren't here for dinner.

The feeling of my body being lifted woke me up from my sleep. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep or for how long. My eyes opened to see Minho picking me up from the couch, I looked over to see I was alone and everyone else left.

Frowning slightly but leaning closer to Minho as he continued to carry me up the stairs and to the room. A familiar scent hit my nose and I tried to push it away from my tired mind but it lingered on his clothes.

Getting to the room, I pull away and out of his arm. Groaning lowly as the cold floor hits my bare feet. I pull the shirt over my head as I try to escape my sudden burning skin.

"Where were you?" I ask simply. Now watching as he changes out of his clothes that reeked of smoke, knowing exactly what place smelled like that.

Sitting on the bed as he walked me, tense just like he's been for days now. Alcohol laced in his breath as he says, "I was at the club with Chan and Changbin for some work things"

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