05 | Backstabber

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Something felt off. Maybe it was the fact that Carson's party was on a literal yacht, I didn't even know where they got that kind of money but I knew it couldn't have been good.

Smiles on everyone's faces but I couldn't find in me put one on. I stuck to the bar, it was the safest bet as I didn't know anyone here and I was surprised Carson did. Then again, he was always social and friends with everyone.

"I want to leave" I look beside me, towards the male that sat there with a nasty look on his face.

"Just act like you're enjoying yourself and maybe we can leave early"

Felix sighs and grabs his drink, "Whatever, as long I don't have to talk to mama satan and her devil baby"

I laugh and shook my head "Be on your best behavior Lix, we can't cause a scene. Not here"

Felix rolls his eyes and looks behind me, a surprised look finds his face "What the fuck are they doing here?" He said, almost subconsciously.

I furrow my brows and turn my head to where his focus was. Maybe the world stopped or just my heart. He walked in with such grace and I don't think I've seen him look this confident. Every time he walked into the club he was dressed casually and though he still spoke with confidence, this was on another level.

The suit hugged his body perfectly and his hair was styled with a purpose, not a strand out of place as his forehead was exposed. I couldn't help but remember the way he touched my body, how he whispered to me and by the end of that night I was left regretful that I had told him my name.

I turn to Felix and swallow harshly "I-I thought you didn't know Minho?"

Felix looks at me "I never said that I didn't know who he was, I told you I never met him"

I look over at him and he sips his drink. After that night I debated telling my brother about Minho coming back to the club and asking for a private dance but quickly decided against it. Something in the way he dismissed the conversation, maybe he wasn't much of a fan of Changbin's friends and that's not my business.

"Jisung, Felix" I look away from the boy and to who spoke our name. I immediately felt my body heat up and in no time I would be drenched in sweat as I look into the eyes of the males.

"Carson" I spoke, "Happy birthday"

I look at Felix and give him a small nudge, "Happy birthday" Felix says with no emotion.

"I'm happy you both made it, I didn't think mom would be able to convince Jisung and less likely Felix" He spoke with a confidence that almost made me sick.

"I go where Jisung goes," Felix says, crossing his arms "Because I at least ain't a backstabber"

I noticed the sudden comment made the boy surprised, the last time he saw Felix he wasn't much of a talker but the Felix now can't find a reason to hold back his words. "You've grown so much"

"Isn't that what you have to do when you're forced to leave home at a young age?"

I sigh "Felix, enough" Felix looks at me and regained his composure.

"I'm going to the restroom" He dismissed himself.

I watch him disappear in the crowd and only looked away when Carson spoke up again "I never got the chance to apologize"

My jaw clenched and I look at him "A bit late for that, don't you think?"

"Dad wouldn't tell me where you were"

"Because he promised me he wouldn't, good to know he kept that promise"

Carson nods "I hope you do forgive me, you are my brother and Felix as well. I miss the relationship we had"

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