55 | Our Safety, Our Job, Our life

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I'll take you down with me tonight
Show you things you wouldn't like to see, but you would like to be

"I don't know what we should do," I say looking down at the white envelope. I lean back on my palms at look up to Felix who frowns. "What's on your mind?"

He shrugs lightly, "It just feels odd" Felix looks up "Doesn't it?"

My brows push together "What does?"

Felix looks around to the others who continue their workout as we sit down on the sparring mat. Looking back to me and lowering his voice "Getting this from dad, it feels wrong to keep it"

I inhale deeply and push off my palms "I get that but it's either us or them and he wanted us to have this" Felix looks down again and nods slowly, "How about this, how about we just hold onto it... keep it safe for a while until we figure out what we want to do with it?"

Felix looks up and meets my gaze "Okay" He nods with a small smile "I like that idea" I smile at him before looking away and to the others, more specifically Minho.

Watching him work out was heavenly. No, literally I felt almost blessed to see such a sight, plus knowing he was my boyfriend made it all so surreal.

He smooshes my cheeks together and peppers my face in kisses, making me laugh loudly and push him away, "Stop!" I laugh.

Minho groans and grabs me, pulling me closer "I can't get enough of you" he kisses me again but only briefly.

I get comfortable beside him. My head rested on the pillow as his arm wrapped under my neck and hand grazed my shoulder softly, I turned to him and placed my hand above his heart.

I look up to him and he stares at my hand that is on his heart, grabbing it and placing a kiss where the ring sat.  My heart quickens at the sight.

"Carson called today" Minho breaks the silence, now mindlessly playing with my fingers, "He said the guy escaped and the camera footage is no good" Right, just like last time.

I prop myself on my elbow and furrow my brows, looking to Minho who now looks at me "That doesn't make any sense. Carson and Mom are close, he wouldn't put her in any danger" I shake my head "Minho, he would've had those cameras updated if they were old and you've seen the amount of security there"

He gently places my hand back down and nods "I know that" He pushes my hair out of my face. It was noticeably longer, his fingers ran through my hair and I leaned into his touch, "Is this something that is bothering you?" He continues the conversation.

I look at him and respond honestly, "Yeah, it is" I tell
him, "I just wonder if they were trying to keep people out... or keep people in"

Minho seemed to understand where I was getting at, "I'll have people look into it" He reassures me, leaning in and placing a small peck on my cheek. He looks over my face and chuckles lightly, "You have questions?"

"I always have questions" I admit, "Wouldn't it be abnormal of me to not?"

Minho looks at me for a moment before sitting up and getting off the bed, I look at him curiously. Watching as he holds his hand out for me to take, "I'm really shit at explaining, so let me show you"

I take his hand, following him off the bed and out of the room. Both of us did not care about our lack of clothes, I only wore shorts and he had sweats that hung low on his hips.

The hallway was dark like every other night after dinner, the only source of light came from the automatic small lights along the stairs to prevent anyone from falling.

𝐁𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now