60 | Desperately In Love

484 42 17

It won't last forever
Or maybe it will

Minho POV
"I don't know what to do" My head falls into my hands, is this what it felt like to have a midlife crisis? My head was spinning and I felt like I was on the verge of puking my brains out. All while missing Jisung but he's the reason why I snuck off during the night while he slept.

Sleep wasn't on my side when these words roamed my head and were at the tip of my tongue when conversing with Jisung. I've always known that I liked and cared for Jisung, I've known it's felt like more but it's only hit me now just how much he meant to me.

It wasn't a good time for me to feel like this. Possibly the worst time. I've never been in love, nobody felt worthy of that piece of me... ever and it's not me being cocky about it—I hold these deeper feelings close to my chest and I never let them go, never let my guards down enough for them to grasps onto anyone. Until now, until him.

He was my weakness and now he could be my downfall, the only person who could bring me to my knees and surrender this life like it meant nothing when all these years it's what kept me going. In the most psychotic way, hurting the people I know are bad was like ridding them of their terrible ways. Maybe it is my time to be free.

"Don't let all of what is happening stop you from being happy" Chan speaks and I look up to him. Brows pushed together and I shook my head lightly, before I could respond he continued "You love him, saying it out loud or not, you feel it"

I sit back and shrug, "But I can't tell him, not now when I haven't proved that I could protective him from one person" I spat, "One fucking person"

Chan surveys me, looking over my disheveled state and pushing his lips into a thin line "This person is good at what they do, hiding and knowing when to act" He tells me something I already know, "Their patience is why they have an advantage on us because we're not being that. We're skimming through things, Jisung wasn't being open—he needs to be Minho, and they see it—all of this"

I look away and mindlessly look around the full club, the pink lighting always made it hard to see faces in the distance. They could be here and we wouldn't even know it.

"What are you trying to say?" I look back to Chan, "Act like everything is okay?" My words were harsh, because how the fuck was I supposed to act like this was okay. My boyfriend rather be locked up in the house when he should enjoy his life, not be scared of it.

Chan nodded lightly "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying" My brows rose at his words, "Don't let this person see how much it's affecting us—affecting you. They get a thrill out of all of this and when they see how unbothered everyone is, they will eventually slip up and get messy"

I examined Chan's calm demeanor, he hadn't once slipped up and so I asked "You think they could be here don't you?" We talked freely here, Changbin had it inspected frequently so it could never be tapped—we knew this was a safe place beside the house to talk, especially since the music was always at a set high volume.

"This person watches us enough to know how to get their hands on our flight records, I wouldn't it past them to be here"

I lick over my dry lips, though I've been at the club for a couple of hours now I haven't had a single sip of alcohol. If I drank now, I fear I would call Jisung and confess my undying love. I don't need that right now.

My mind started to wander, spacing out as I stared down at the table. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know how I was supposed to protect Jisung, to protect any of them.

"Can you do that?" My eyes snap up and I meet Chan's now worried gaze. I stare blankly at him for a second too long for his liking, making him lean in "Just for a few days while I sort some things out"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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