24 | Safe

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I watch Felix kick his feet in the water lightly as we sit at the edge of the pool.

It was after dinner and we decided to hang out a bit, the other guys were out on the patio so we were still in their line of vision but not close enough to where they heard us talk.

I look back and to Minho who laughed along with the others and I smiled softly before looking away and to the water.

"How does this trip make you feel?" Felix asks "Vegas, we've never been"

I nod slowly "Yeah, I'm a little excited"

Felix stops kicking his feet and looks at me "Me too" A small smile rises on his face.

"I think it's good a way to earn their trust"

Felix nods quickly "Yeah, I agree" There was a sparkle in his eyes and I haven't seen that since he met Changbin. This happiness.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked him "I know I already asked you this but I want to know"

Felix thought about it for a moment before shrugging, "I realized it wasn't so bad here" He said, motioning around us "Look at this place, it's beautiful and I guess I don't hate everyone here as much as I wanted to"

I looked away and I found myself agreeing with a small nod. "Did Hyunjin change your mind?" I ask randomly as it pops into my head.

I looked to Felix who gave me a sad smile "Minho, actually" He didn't know that I knew and so I didn't ask any more questions. Only feel my heart grow more. Felix sighed softly and put his head on my shoulder, "We're safe, finally" He said sadly, "That's what I realized. I realized that since we got here I felt safer, weirdly since we were kidnapped" We both laugh and he lifts his head and looks at me "And you look happier"

I furrow my brows "And why do say that?"

Felix bumps my shoulder "I'm your brother, I see those things Jisung, and those things involve a certain annoyingly caring guy—who tries to act like he doesn't care much"

I look away and sigh "Fine"


I smile shamelessly "Yes, fine. I'll tell you that you are right. I'm happier"

"And you like him?"

I nod "And I like him a lot. Too much that maybe a part of me is afraid"

"Of what?" I look at a confused Felix.

"That I'll hurt him," I said with a frown "Lix, I don't want to hurt him"

"You won't" Felix reassured me.

I couldn't explain it, I never could. I was reckless, always when it came to anger.

"I love you," I said to him

Felix smiles "I love you too," He says back to me "And we will make them trust us, and be safe from behind them"

"What makes you think they can keep us safe?"

Felix inhaled lightly with a small smile "I think we're both aware they are a part of something much bigger than they allow us to know. I can just feel it"

I nod, agreeing "What if they trust us then let us go?" Something about that scared me. Shouldn't I want that?

Felix shook his head and looked back to the others, "No, Minho cares too much for that to happen"

I looked at them and at him specifically, he talked to the guys but still, his eyes found mine as he talked.

"He's a good guy and I'm sorry if I didn't see that sooner" I look to Felix.

"And how do you know that?"

Felix smiles "I have my ways"

I laugh and shake my head "Don't act like I'm unaware"

Felix furrowed his brows "Of what brother?" He crosses his arms "What are you accusing me of?"

"Oh I don't know, just that I see Hyunjin go into your room instead of his at night after dinner"

Hyunjin grimaces "Ew, No" He denies "He tells me good night and leaves. That's it"

"That's it?"

He nods "Yes. Nothing more, it's only friendly between us"

"Friendly? Hyunjin?"

Felix groans "Stop" He whines "He is friendly you just have to get to know him"

"So you know him?"

He whines loudly and shakes his head "I'm not doing this" He looks at me "We're friends but I will admit that he makes being here less boring"

I nod slowly "Right"

Felix glares at me "End of conversation" He says, getting up and walking towards the others as I laugh at his flustered state.

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