20 | Fragile

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Yeh, I fuckin' did it, yeh, I fuckin' said it
Yeh, I meant it, yeh, i'm here to kill it

The sound of the camera clicking announces that I took the photo, pulling it away from my face. "We never had the conversation"

I look to Jeongin who sits in the passenger seat "What conversation?"

Jeongin's face lights up "My wedding, you being the photographer"

"Jeongin you're not getting married," Seungmin says from the back seat "And you're quite far from it since you don't even have a girlfriend"

Jeongin glares at him "It's good to have these things planned out so when the time comes you won't be stressing"

Seungmin looks at him for a moment "Reasonable answer"

"Thank you"

I shake my head "Did you two come along to distract me?"

"Stop being such an old man and enjoy breathing the same air as us youngsters," Jeongin says, pulling out his laptop.

"I'm not that much older and you two
should be thankful for me or else you would be surrounded by strangers at the orphanage"

"Please, you wouldn't have gotten this far without us, right Seungmin?" Silence, "Seungmin?"

We look towards the back where Seungmin dazed out the window, "I think I would get extremely far without you two"

Jeongin rolls his eyes and types away on his laptop "Without him, sure but not me" He presses enter and a familiar voice fills the car.

"Tell her to join us, it will be fun" He chuckles through the phone and I raise my camera, looking at the male who sits outside a cafe—sipping his coffee while he chats on the phone. Not knowing that we were listening or even around.

"There are a lot of people attending, I don't think it's a good idea for us to show our faces" A female speaks. "Send the list?"

"I can't do that sweetheart, I can only promise you and your sisters safety" He tried to persuade her. "I will hire two times the security if that makes you feel safer"

"I will bring my own security," She says instantly "Will that be a problem?"

I watch him run his fingers through his hair before nodding, "Completely fine with me" but I could tell it wasn't.

"Then you will see me in Vegas" They exchange goodbyes and the line died.

"Vegas?" Seungmin says "That's where he will throw the banquet"

I put the camera down and look to Jeongin who sends everything to Chan. "They always have it here..." I said lowly. "Something must have made them change it up last minute"

Jeongin looks at me like he realized something "Jisung and Felix"

I furrow my brows "Huh?"

Jeongin turns to me "Jisung and Felix missing could have made his plans change this year"

I shake my head "No, he doesn't have contact with them"

"Right, well maybe they could finally come to use" Jeongin smirks "Think about it"

"We can get in without them," I said immediately "We don't need them"

Seungmin sighs "Then why do we still have them?" He asks "We never kept people around this long that come to no use and I don't mean to be a jerk because before they tried to escape I actually liked them but I don't want a knife in my chest while I sleep"

"Calm down kid, I don't think they have the guts to hurt a single fly," I said, starting the car and driving away.

"But we know very little about them" Seungmin points out "Carson is their brother, he's the main guy we're after at the moment"

"No, he's the only person that can lead us to what we want" I correct. "Reasons why we keep him around"

"I just don't get it" Seungmin groans and sits back in his seat with a slouch. "He is so close but so far at the same time"

"And we keep looking, for Chan. We promised to not give up" Jeongin states.

We were brothers, we help each other and when Chan came to us to help him we didn't hesitate but it's been a few months now and we felt close, so close and we couldn't give up.

We walk inside and go straight towards a certain door, unlocking it with the pin pad and walking down the stairs that led to a small room. It was off-limits to everyone but us.

The room was filled with multiple things but that's not what we came down here for as we walked toward another door, pushing it open and walking into the red-lit room.

"This is what you got last time?" Seungmin looks at the hanging pictures that were out to dry and I nod.

"Yeah, he was a screamer" I chuckle and they snicker, " The big bad ones always are" I place my camera down on the table and take out the film to continue later tonight.

Our phone vibrates in unison "Lunch is ready" I said loudly, reading out Hyunjin's text on the group chat.

I watch the picture develop in the liquid, taking it out and hanging it to dry. The red light used to make me have headaches but I've spent so much time in here the past months that I've grown used to it.

My eyes stare at the picture for a moment before I walk away. My eyes caught sight of another.

Jisung. It was a quick picture I had taken of him at the club, accidentally when we first met and I didn't know why I kept it.

I haven't talked to him much and I noticed his efforts to start a conversation that I would shut down with a simple reply and he hated it. Threw things around and even pushed me a few times.

I noticed a lot about him, specifically his anger. It got the best of him and he didn't know how to suppress it or keep himself calm but instead allow himself to lash out when it all came up. I've seen the fire in his eyes and the rage in his tone when he didn't quite get what he wanted or when something went wrong.

But he was fragile. Still, in my eyes.

I can't lie, I felt betrayed when I was made aware of his plan on leaving. That's why I went up to his room, to see if he would lie to my face and he did. Straight to my face.

I try to understand and I do understand his part in this situation but to a point. If they are who we need them to be, we only offer them protection and the truth but their not. Nothing points to them and that's where we are stuck.

Stuck between keeping them around out of some pity or kill them.

I look away from the picture, the second option was not in my books, unfortunately.

I've grown this fondness with Jisung, this constant question of who he really was. If not the person we need then what was his story? I knew it couldn't just be the guy that wanted to protect his brother because I get the feeling Felix tried to protect Jisung more than anything—as he needs it the most.

He made me curious and so fucking angry at the same time.

*Song rec - Yeh I Fuckin' Did It by Labrinth *

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