40 | Dwelling On The Past

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You knew the password, so I let you in the door
You knew you won, so what's the point in keeping score?

Minho called me, that's how I woke up. He had wanted to spend the day with me but this morning Chan messaged him and the others about something they had to do near some restaurant, to be completely honest I was half asleep when Minho told me he had to leave. Hey, at least he made me aware that I would be waking up alone this time.

Anyway, he called and told me to go downstairs to eat lunch, yes lunch. I slept in a lot but it was his fault for keeping me up and taking me for three rounds. I won't complain though, not even at the fact that I had light bruises on my waist in the shape of his fingers.

Oh, right he called—said to eat and that he would be here any minute. So I sprung out of bed, showered, and got dressed as quickly as I could. Still tired though as I walk down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen to eat something.

I hummed lightly and was about to turn the corner but stopped when I heard two voices, it was a light mutter as they were a bit of distance away but I could tell it was Felix and Hyunjin.

I swallow harshly and whatever this fear was inside of me I put aside and walk into the kitchen, my eyes meet with Felix's first as his words come to a halt. "Don't stop talking on my account" I say, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl at the center of the table.

"We weren't talking about anything important," Felix says, he watches me carefully.

I ignore him and look to Hyunjin "I thought Chan called everyone out this morning?"

Hyunjin shrugs "He said to stay behind" He answers, "And I was helping Felix with work"

"Work" I let out a small snort.

"What was that?" Felix asks me, something blazed in his eyes. Here we go.

I put the apple down and I looked at him, sitting back in my chair "What was what?" He stared at me, not saying a word to me and I was tired of it. Of this. "Can you stop this already?" I sat up.

Felix does the same and leans onto his crossed arms onto the table, "Stop what?" He tried to act innocent but he knew he was pushing the wrong buttons. Felix knew me, yet here he was. Testing me. My boundaries.

My jaw clenched and Hyunjin cleared his throat, probably feeling the tension growing "Felix, we should go continue in the living room"

"No," Felix says, not looking away from me as he speaks to the male beside him.

"Maybe you should listen to him," I tell my brother.

Felix furrows his brows "Or listen to you?" His words slap me in the face, "Just like I've always done"

"Felix—" Hyunjin tries to stop him from saying more but he doesn't listen, no, he continues like it's been weighing him down and he needed it all out.

"I missed out on the last year's dad was alive because of you" He says to me harshly, "Because he said he wanted me with you"

I froze and Hyunjin said something to Felix but I couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear a damn thing before I stood up and slam my hands on the table.

"You left because you wanted to!" I yelled, "It was my problem to run away from yet you followed me! For what? To blame me?" I scoff, "Get real with yourself Felix"

Felix stood up now, Hyunjin following "You're forgetting the part where I helped you that night!" He yells back, "So no, not just your problem but mine" His voice broke, "And boy do I fucking regret it"

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