44 | Bestest Of Friends

958 46 15

I don't wanna bruise for you
Holding back my words until my face is blue

"You're slow, it's cute" Minho smirks and I groan, looking at him defeatedly. Sweat dripped down my hair and I pushed it back, running my fingers through my hair.

"Just—" I pull my shirt over my head, I needed to escape all this sweat but there really was no use "Give me a minute" I toss it off the sparring mat.

Minho takes in my sweaty body "Are you trying to distract me?"

I roll my eyes, leaning down and grabbing the water bottle "Aren't you supposed to be professional right now?" I take a drink and his eyes still linger, "Minho, I'm serious"

He smiles "So am I" He walks to me and gives my cheek a small kiss before taking the water from me and getting a drink.

I sit down, allowing myself to rest. We've been in the gym room for the past two hours. My fault, I told Minho to give me all he got, and turns out he's got a lot.

Minho joins me, sitting down and looking at me curiously "Tell me what's got you all worked up"

"I'm not worked up" Minho leans back into his palms and gives me a look "Really, I'm not. Just very determined"

"And it started with you talking with Felix"

I shook my head "No it started when someone tried to kill me" I watched him sigh and I shrugged "I don't want to be weak anymore"

He leans over to me and runs his finger through the side of my hair, not caring about how sweaty I was—we both were. "Your far from weak Ji"

"I am though, because if I was put into the exact same situation. I still wouldn't have a clue what to do" I admit.

He nods slowly, "Okay" He starts, "You're good with a gun, that's great but you need to be good with your fist" He tells me, "You won't always have a gun with you at all times. You can't just be good with your fists but be quick, which I don't think you have a problem with"

"I'm fast? Thought you said I was slow?" I smirk at the male.

"You wanted me to be serious and there you are?" He chuckles, "But to answer, yes you are fast—just need to perfect a good hit"

The door opens and I look over my shoulder to see Felix, Seungmin, and Chan walk in. They look over at Minho and me for a second before Chan starts explaining something to Felix.

"Just say the word and we will go back to the city" Minho keeps his voice down.

I look at Minho and shake my head "No, this is your home. I don't want you to keep leaving it for me"

"It's your home too" Emotions flood over me and I look down, clearing my throat. His hand on my knee, making me look up and meet his eyes as he repeats, "This is your home and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here, I will have Hyunjin take him to the penthouse if—"

"No," I said quickly, "I don't want to order him around" I frowned and inhaled a long shaky breath "I know he's safe here"

Minho's brows push together "Why are you so afraid?" He asks me and I tense up, "Do you think they're after you still?" 

I swallow harshly "No, I've always been cautious"

"You'd tell me if you thought they were though, right?" I nod, "Good, I need to know those things Ji" He stands up and holds out his hand for me to take "Let's continue"

This was my first dinner back with everyone again, last night I couldn't really look at Felix. Honestly, I still have trouble wrapping it around my head. He said all this shit to me and then yesterday told me another, I was confused and hurt... but I was willing to try and mend whatever it was we lost along the way, just not right now.

"No," Chan says to Jeongin who groans.

"But red would look so sick" He defends, "I walk into the garage and all I see is black cars and I'm immediately depressed"

"I say, blue" Seungmin adds.

Jeongin grimaced "Ew, absolutely not" He exaggerated, "The Ferrari would look stunning if it was red"

"This is why you're still single" Changbin snaps.

Jeongin scoffs "You're not very husband material Changbin"

"I said no if you want the red... buy it yourself," Chan says unbothered by Jeongin's antics.

"I will and when I do, I don't want anyone else driving it"

"I think red is cool," I said lowly.

Jeongin squints at me "Can you drive?" He asks me randomly, "If I was to agree with this partnership, you need to drive in case I need a gateway car"

I furrow my brows to question him but instead, I am being questioned as Minho speaks up "Partnership?"

I look to Minho and shrug, acting oblivious "No clue what he means by that"

"I—I... I um—"

"He misspoke" I look to Jeongin and give with a forced smile "He meant friendship"

Jeongin nods "Bestest of friends" He looks say and continues to eat, finally shutting up.

The table goes quiet and the heaviness of my shoulders made me all too aware of how everyone felt the silence.

"Can I petition a beach vacation?" Seungmin asks.

Chan looks at him "You ask this out of nowhere?"

Seungmin shrugs "It's getting weird over here and I think we all need a little break" He looks around the table "Don't we?" His eyes dared us to disagree.

"Agree," Hyunjin says, surprising us all, "We don't have much work and we all need a little head clearing" Felix sends him a small smile and I frown.

"Okay," Chan says, "For the first time I think Seungmin is right"

I look at Minho who hasn't said a thing, he just continues to eat silently and I grab his hand. Gave his hand a small squeeze which made him look at me "You don't seem so happy about this idea"

Minho shook his head and smiled at me, a small one but I felt like it hid something within it. "I am happy. I think it will be good for you"

"Not you?"

"I'm good as long as you're right there with me" He leans over and gives my head a simple kiss before eating his food again. Something didn't feel right.

by Melanie Martinez*

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