58 | Pray For Forgiveness

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You can use my skin to bury secrets in
And I will settle you down

The city lights ahead sparkle in the distance as the sunsets. I wished to get lost in them. My mind constantly wandered back and forth to the people who lived a normal life in the city then back to this life I seemed to live.

One day it's perfect and the next it feels suffocating.

Getting pulled away when I look beside me to Minho who sits down "I was looking for you"

I look away and back to the view, a lump in my throat forms. Tears brim my eyes as I speak up "I'm scared" I admit to him. I was holding it in all day in front of the others but with Minho, I never could. He made me vulnerable.

He wasted no time in wrapping his arm around me and putting me to him, his chin on the top of my head as he said "I know" His voice was soft as he rubbed my shoulder.

"I just don't get why someone wants to kill me"

Minho pulls me away and grabs my face, his thumbs wipe my tears as he says "Nobody will take you away from me" He looks me in the eyes and again he says "Nobody will. You hear me?"

I nod lightly and lay my head on his shoulder after he places a kiss on my forehead. Silently we watch as the sun finally sets.

An unwanted feeling lingers in my stomach. A feeling I wished would go away after his reassurance but instead, it chose to stay.

Minho's POV
I stood up after finishing dinner, more like rushing to eat dinner, and in the back of my head I hear my mom's gentle voice telling me to slow down and then I got nauseous but keep eating.

I left the table early, and paced the room for a few minutes before Jisung joined me I sent the other guys a text. As I sit at the edge of the bed, I say"I have to do some work tonight" I partially lied. It still felt odd being this open with Jisung. It felt good, it did but odd.

"Okay" Jisung sits down by me "I wanted to watch this movie with Felix tonight so works perfectly"

"How is that going anyway?"

Jisung shrugs lightly "It's going good" He smiles, "Watching movies was kind of what we always used to do when I didn't work and when he didn't have to study"

I squint at him "Did you make Jeongin illegally download new movies for you?"

He scoffs and playfully places his hand on his heart "Never" He looks away "Felix however..."

I chuckle and shake my head "You two are trouble"

The bright pink fluorescent lights beam down on us. The club was never my scene, I actually hated being here but I found myself coming more often for no reason but to get away from the house.

I come and bother Changbin with my problems as he pours me drink after drink but tonight was different. I didn't come here to escape whatever shit I was going through.

"I really need this to end," I tell the others as we sit at a private booth. Jeongin pushed over a glass of whatever whiskey filled it and I shook my head, declining it.

"I'm putting something together," Chan tells me, "Still needs some time to finalize"

I sigh loudly and run my fingers through my hair in frustration "I can't sleep next to Jisung knowing someone is out there wanting him dead"

"Nobody is going to hurt him," Jeongin says "He's gotten a lot tougher since Vegas"

"Yeah, I really hope so"

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