56 | Love

759 38 57

This love's possessin' me
But I don't mind at all


My eyes widen when I become aware of my surroundings—more like when I become aware of what I have just done or what I think I've done.

I stood up and off the bloody male, he didn't move and I felt my hands start to shake. Lifting them and looking at the mess I made, on myself and the room. Blood everywhere.

Nausea filled my stomach and I hurried out of the house, doubling over and everything I had for dinner came pouring out. I lean against the tree and pull my phone out of my pocket after trying to rid myself of the blood.

My hands continued to shake. I knew it wasn't from the cold air but more of the situation. Pressing the familiar name and as it answers the sound of my brother's voice soothes me but only for a moment.

"Ji? Please tell me you regret going and you're on the way back" Felix says with a hopeful voice, "I hate being home alone and I really want to watch scary movies with you"

I swallow harshly "Felix, I think I did something really really bad"

I could've called Carson. Truth was he wasn't supposed to leave me here. I don't call him because deep down I knew he wouldn't come and save me, Felix... I just hoped we would. I never got myself into anything like this and I also never turned to people for my minor problem growing up. This wasn't a minor problem though and I definitely needed help.

Felix came faster than I had expected, rushing on a bike I don't think I've seen him use since dad got it for him in middle school but I don't ask questions as he let it drop to the ground and rush to me.

Taking in my state and shaking his head lightly "W-What happened?"

I look to the front door, head pounding as I shrug "I don't know" I look to my brother "You have to believe me, I don't know what happened it just... he—"

Felix walked past me and into the house, I didn't have time to stop him as I followed quickly behind him. "Oh my god" His voice was muttered, looking down at the bloodied body.

I stood by the door as I watched Felix hurry to the boy, putting his pointer and middle finger to the boy's neck—checking for a pulse "Is he dead?" I step forward. I didn't check if he was even alive before I fled.

Felix seemed to pause at my question before standing up "He's still alive" He reassured me, walking to me and placing his hands on my shaking shoulders. I was so scared but the look in Felix's eyes told me it was going to be okay.

I looked toward the body that looked lifeless. I felt sick again, my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to pass out. I did this.

"Look at me" I listen to my little brother, meeting his gaze "He hurt you, I see that and you fought back" I nod slowly at his words because that is what happened, "But when he wakes up he will change the story to make it seem like you were the bad guy"

"I didn't do anything wrong!"

"I know" Felix frowns "But nobody will believe you" I shake my head and step back, "Jisung, we have to do this"


My eyes snap open and I felt the familiar thick sensation coat my mouth. Sitting up as my hair stuck to my forehead from the sweat covering my body. My heart pounded as I was taken back to that night again, it's where my head always seemed to go when I slept.

𝐁𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now