35 | Bloody Soul

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Welcome to my problems, it's not an invitation
This is my dilemma and it's my obsession


Minho POV
I look into the camera lens, capturing the picture with a flash "You know, any sane person would think you're sick for that"

I pull the camera away and look at the picture, "Says the guy who practiced his studies on humans... while they screamed out for help" I look to Hyunjin as I put my camera down.

"I never said I was a sane person," Hyunjin says.

I walk over to the sink and start scrubbing the blood from my hands. My stomach twists and I tried my best not to let this get to me.

I've been doing this for years, this wasn't a new thing but still, it made me nauseous. "Did you know?" Hyunjin asks, taking the sink next to me and he does the same—cleaning off his hands.

I already knew what he was talking about and I'm guessing he couldn't stop thinking about it just as much as me. I turn the water off and grab paper towels to dry my hands "No, I was just as surprised as you" I tell him, tossing the paper towel and Hyunjin does the same. I turn to him "Felix hides a lot from Jisung" I state, a bit of annoyance in my tone. I had no problem with Felix though he use to express his disliking in me, I think he's learned that I was no enemy.

Hyunjin looks at me and nods slowly "I don't think he means to" Yeah right, I think he knows full well what he's doing.

"When Jisung finds out he will be hurt by it all" The thought ate at me. Something screamed at me to tell Jisung but I couldn't. I was a coward because it would force me to explain my part in all of this.

"That's why he won't find out," Hyunjin says confidently but Jisung is smart, he is aware and observant. I swallow harshly and Hyunjin pats my shoulder before motioning towards the mess.

My eyes look over the slumped-over male. Blood pooled on the plastic-covered floor. My jaw tenses at the sight. "Whose turn is it to take out the trash?"

I look at him and smirk "Changbin" Hyunjin laughs loudly and nods, turning around and picking up his phone to call Changbin.

I grab my camera and walk away and down the small hall—into the red light filled with room. With the shut of the door, I walk to the table, put my camera down and my eyes look over the developed photos. My fingers grazing them, I hated this part of me.

The needed to capture my work just like he did. A bitter taste on my tongue and I grimace, scurrying out of the room and up the stairs. On the way out I passed an annoyed Changbin but ignored his words he shot at me.

I needed it off of me. I took quick steps upstairs and to my room where I burst through the door and bolted towards the bathroom. I didn't bother to lock the door as I stripped from my messy clothes, the lump in my throat was harsh and I coughed—trying to free the feeling from me as I turned on the shower. The room immediately fills with steam as I step into the shower, allowing the burning water to wash off the blood.

I scrub my body harshly, wanting it off. My hands find the wall as my head drops, watching the water soon turn from red to clear. "Minho"

We killed them, more like torture them. They were bad people, never innocent and I constantly reminded myself of that. That's what held me together but I was no worse than them.

The hot water runs down my back and a hand meets my skin—the water making him hiss as retracts from my touch, "Minho" His voice is now more alarmed, turning the water off and grabbing my shoulders, and turning me around.

Jisung's eyes soften when they meet my red burning eyes, grabbing my face "Minho, please talk to me" He was still fully clothed and had tired eyes—I had woken him up.

My head falls to his shoulder "I don't want to be like him"

"Who?" He questions, but I shake my head. He doesn't dig deeper and just strokes my hair and my eyes fall closed. "Let go to bed" I look up and meet his eyes and gives me a sad smile.

Jisung grabbed my hand and led me out of the shower, I watched as his gaze went to my bloody clothes on the floor but he still didn't question it. I knew he had questions, I wanted to let him in, and I so badly wanted him to know all of me but I was afraid that it would be enough for him to label me broken beyond repair and leave.

I wouldn't run after him if that's what happens. When I finally let him in, let it all out, if he chooses to leave me and this life behind I will let him and I won't allow the others to try to stop it. I'll give him that much.

Jisung helped me into clothes, I told him I could do it but he insisted on helping me so I let him. I watched as he walked back to bed but I hesitated in following him.

I felt dirty still, like the blood didn't just stick to my skin but also my soul and I didn't want to dirty him.

Jisung stopped and looked at me, he didn't dare say a word as he walked to me again. Wrapping his arms around my torso. His hold was tight around me and for a moment I didn't hug him back until I did. Holding him and letting out a small sigh.

I didn't want to know what it felt like to not have this. For most of my life, I didn't care to fill the void I felt. The loneliness, the cold bed I woke up to. I didn't care about being alone or having another person help me on a night like this.

I had it now. Someone I woke up to, laughed with, smiled at, someone who trusted me, and someone who now held me tightly like I was going to slip away any second.

I should be afraid about the opening up but the only thing I was afraid of was losing this.

*Song rec - Dilemma by Green Day*

What I really want to know is did you expect this to be what they did for work?

Like my man isn't just any normal photographer...

photography with a splash of serial killing, a dab of torture, and lots of childhood trauma—makes Minho.

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