31 | Who Did This to You?

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The drying of your tears
Today, we escape

"Are you okay?" Minho asks me again for what feels like the tenth time, making me chuckle as we walk back to the bar and away from the dancing people.

"You keep asking me and my answer is still the same as the last time"

Minho looks over my face "I just like to know your alright Jisung"

I give him a tight-lipped smile, gazing at the crowd and realizing I haven't seen Carson in a while. "We have it," Seungmin tells us through the earpiece and it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest and I assume Minho felt the same as I hear him let out a small sigh of relief.

"Get out of there now" Chan's voice grew impatient and nervous, making me look to Minho and he looked out towards Chan and Changbin on the other side of the room "Carson is nowhere to be seen. He must be heading back"

I shake my head and grab Minho's arm for his attention "Minho we need to find him"

Before Minho disagrees with my words, Hyunjin and Felix find our side "Last time I saw him he was with two guys by the front" Hyunjin tells Minho. I could notice the growing anxiety between the two.

"The elevators are down," Jeongin says, "Why the fuck are they not working?!"

All of their attention was on Jeongin and Seungmin—Chan talking them through a new plan to escape. I look back to the crowd and scan it to make sure Carson wasn't anywhere and mentally prayed he was in here but he wasn't.

This was my fault. I was supposed to distract him but I couldn't even do that. I look back to the others and I knew this was stupid but I had to. I couldn't let Jeongin or Seungmin get caught, I couldn't.

Their attention wasn't on me and Felix was just as worried for the two boys as he didn't look my way, allowing me to slip away and past the random people that mostly talked business.

I continued to hear Chan talk to the two in my ear as I walked into the hallway. It was empty and the low music was even lower in here. I let out a sigh as it felt like I could finally breathe with no eyes on me.

Slowly walking and looking around to find Carson. There was no talking anywhere which made me more nervous for the two guys that could be caught any minute now.

I stop and felt horrible that I fucked this plan up. I thought I had it, it seemed simple even though I had to put my fear aside, I did it because I knew I would be safe with them.

Light steps were heard and I bit at my bottom lip. I knew he would come looking for me, "Minho I have to find—" I turned and was met with unfamiliar eyes, body lean, and not taller than me. They definitely didn't come from the event as they wore a skeleton mask.

Taking a step back as they walked closer. Swallowing harshly, I knew this wasn't a mistake. I knew I was who they were looking for as they started walking faster and I turned to run and so did they. I ran, trying to find a way back to the group.

Soon Chan's words to Jeongin and Seungmin turned into to everyone calling my name. I ran but the hallway just kept going and going. I put my finger on the earpiece to call for help but that took my attention away from my steps, tripping over a step and led to the skeleton-masked person grabbing my ankle and yanking me towards them.

I flipped over and kicked them in the stomach, making them double over. I got up and continue to run, turning into a hallways but quickly went pale as I knew I fucked up.

It was a dead end and I turned to this person "W-What do you want from me?!" I screamed but they didn't answer, just walked closer as I stepped back.

The glistening caught my eyes and I swallowed harshly seeing the knife. My shaky hand goes to my ear but they immediately knew what I was doing as they ran to me. My back hitting the wall and I couldn't call for help now.

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