57 | Secrets

463 30 15

Only I know where all the bodies are buried
Thought by now I'd find 'em just a little less scary

Minho's POV
The knocking on the door stirred me awake. I was going to ignore it until Jisung pushed me away and almost made me fall off the bed. Knowing it would be stupid of me to ignore whoever it was because, at the end of the day, I have a job that runs all hours including the hours some would sleep.

I walk to the door, my eyes hazy with sleep as I open the door and met with a not-so-tired-looking Hyunjin. "What now?"

Hyunjin gives me an apologetic tight-lipped smile, "Chan wants us downstairs"

I rub my hand over my face before nodding "I'll meet you down there"

"Actually, he wants everyone in the living room" My brows push together "Including Jisung and Felix" I stare at him for a few seconds before looking back into the room to see Jisung sitting up in bed, rubbing his tired eyes.

"As you all know we did our own digging on what happened at the wedding" Chan speaks up as I grab the blanket that was thrown over the back of the couch, wrapping it around Jisung. I look over to Chan as I sit beside Jisung, tiredness long gone as the topic keeps my full attention. "-Got some reports back and it's not looking so good"

I watch as Chan paces a bit but I don't speak up. I felt the tension roll off of everyone in the room. Anticipating the worst at this point. Chan had the connections to almost anything he wished, he was a negotiator and was a hell of a great communicator. He did all the talking, he did most of the planning—especially when it comes to big business deals... meaning murder but that's such a harsh word that I rather not throw around.

The other morning I talked to Chan about Jisung's worry about the wedding situation. Honestly, I hoped it was a huge coincidence that we happened to be there on the day someone finally went after Carson but from the looks of it now, my hopes are crushed.

"I wouldn't have called everyone down here at such a time if I didn't think this wasn't important" Chan continues, "Someone did gain access to our plane records"

"That's impossible, they would've called us," Changbin says, confused like the rest of us.

"They would only call if it was stolen" Jeongin finally speaks up. "In this case, the records were given to this person because they know our passcode" A collective sigh or muttered curse fills the room.

"What does this mean?" Felix asks, "I mean overall?" My eyes go to him for the first time in the night. He sat on the loveseat beside Seungmin, surprisingly Hyunjin didn't sit with him but I also don't know what their relation was to each other.

"It means someone betrayed us" I hiss, annoyed at the situation. Leaning my elbows onto my knees as I rub my face harshly. Feeling Jisung hand go to my back as he rubs it gently.

"That's not all," Chan says, making me look up to him. He looked at me and then to Jisung. I felt sick because I knew what he was going to say, "They had access to it before Las Vegas"

Jisung's hand stilled and I looked at him, "It could be a coincidence Ji" I tried to reassure him even though my head was spinning. There was no coincidence anymore, I wasn't stupid but I didn't want him to be afraid.

Jisung shakes his head and I follow his gaze to Jeongin who meets my eyes. I furrow my brows and look back to Jisung, leaning away as I take in the look on his face. A look I was familiar with.

The room seemed to pick up on this new tension that had risen, "What do I not know about?" My voice was harsh, I felt impatient as my body was getting unusually hot.

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