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Sometimes, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent, sugar me

My hand was healed and instead of giving me a few days—the following days they had Felix and me in that training room for hours.

I was getting stronger, faster, and maybe a little smarter... or so they say. I still felt weak, especially when going up against them. Still, they made Minho sit out like a dog that pissed on the bed. It was cute, watching him sit there all sulky.

It was the weekend and I so badly wanted them to tell us that we could have an off day, I was tired, mostly of them ordering me around the training mat.

"Ready for some more training?" Seungmin asks, a glint in his eyes. I swallowed harshly, that look scared me—told me he would have fun with whatever it was.

"It's Saturday, I think we deserve a break"

"Bad things happen on weekends all the time Felix," Seungmin says.

Chan stands up from the table, leaving his coffee mug abandoned as he says "We leave in an hour, and if you are not in a car by then—you stay behind"

"No way am I missing out on today" Jeongin chuckles.

"Why is everyone so excited about today?" I look to Minho as I ask. He looks at me with a small smile, a smug one at that.

"Oh Bunny, just you wait and see"

I follow Minho down the long hallway, still, I haven't had the chance to explore every room here. I get the urge to from time to time but I always go against it because I didn't want it to seem like I was snooping around rooms I didn't belong in.

I follow close by, not asking where he is leading me--all I knew was we had to leave in... well now. And I didn't feel like being on Chan's bad side today.

Walking through a door and coming to a complete halt. Every day I get surprised by the wealth of the six guys that live here. I'm not fucking dumb, I knew they possibly did very interesting things to get where they are now. At least nobody could say they didn't work for it because I'm sure they did... work very hard.

I gaze at Minho who stands, arms crossed with a smug smile. He's been in a mood all morning, not a bad one but one that makes me feel uneasy. "I was thinking maybe you could pick today"


"The car we ride in" I look around the large garage filled with cars--all black, the only thing I'm not surprised with.

I look back at him "My pick?"

"All yours" Minho smiles and I walk more into the garage, eyes gazing. "We are on a time limit though, Bunny" Minho says. Bunny, he has been calling me that name all day and I couldn't figure out why, along with this perky mood he has suddenly.

I point to the black car--the black Porsche specifically. Looking over my shoulder with a smirk "With the top down?"

Minho's smile deepens with a satisfied hum "If that's what you want" I turn and watch him grab the keys off the hook, walk to me with the same smile on his face, opening the car door and motioning me in. I squinted at him, trying to see what game he was playing. "Any day now"

I get in, remembering that we should be gone by now. Closing the door before he could, I still watch as he walk around the car and gets in the driver's seat. My eyes couldn't help but wander around the car. It smelt expensive but I didn't show the excitement that filled my body when he started the car and immediately listened to my wishes, putting the top down as the light music played on the radio.

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