11 | Sting First

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Oh, I need to kill you
To silence all the sweet little things you said

I groan, my head pounding as I try to open my eyes but it was way too bright, making me close them immediately.

"Jisung" I heard Felix's voice and it sounded panicked, making me open my eyes and become aware of the situation.

I was sitting on a chair and so was Felix beside me, I tried to move once aware but couldn't. My hands were tied to the back of the chair. "What the fuck is happening?" I ask, looking at Felix.

"I don't know, I just woke up"

I look around, we were in a living room. Not sure, it looked like a living room but incredibly nice. The ceilings were high and the space was large.

"I only remember leaving the carnival," I said.

"Y-Yeah same"

I look at him and look at his face "What do you remember?"

"The same as you," He said quickly.

I shake my head "It doesn't matter, I'll get us out of here" I look around and soon heard footsteps.

Our attention goes to the three males that come in. Swallow harshly and that's when Felix's words roamed my head.

"He's bad news"

My eyes locked with Minho's and the same bitter feeling rose in my stomach.

"Do I act surprised?" Felix spat, his eyes on Changbin. Disgust but hurt in his eyes.

"You let it come to this," Changbin said to him "You lied"

He furrowed his brows "I lied?" He scoffs "And you told me you'll protect me but you drugged me, you lied!"

My jaw clenched and I looked down, my brain foggy still.

"Who are you both?" I heard Chan say, but I kept my eyes down.

Feeling someone grab my chin and I meet eyes with Minho who held my jaw "He said who are you"

My body heating up with this feeling I haven't felt in years. Since that night. I smirk "I'm bunny" and I heard Felix chuckle.

He looks at my lips and lets my face go harshly. "Jisung stop fucking with us"

I roll my eyes "Or what?"

Minho stands with the others but didn't answer, just looking at me. Almost begged me with his eyes to comply but he didn't know me at all. They didn't know us.

Chan walks to me and now I was just confused about why they were specifically interrogating me.

"Jisung? Is that your name"

"Don't wear it out"

He looks over my face and there was this sadness in them that I couldn't put my finger on "What's your real name?"

"Back off already, he said his name," Felix says, both of us getting tired of this back and forth.

Chan looks at me still "They won't talk"

"You keep asking the same question but you already know the answer," I said "Can we go home now, we're kinda tired"

I heard Minho snort and I glare at him, Chan leaves from in front of me and paces a bit.

"They aren't gonna let us go" I heard Felix say and I look at him, he looks at the three "Are y'all?"

I look back at them and they looked at each other, Changbin looking at Felix "We can't. Not now"

Hesitantly, I look at Felix and I knew he was gonna explode anytime soon. We weren't similar in personalities but anger? Felix wasn't good at holding it in and me—I was good at holding it in until I couldn't anymore.

"Hey, Felix" He looks at me and I give him a forced smile "Everything will be okay" I whisper to him "Their bees" He frowns "What do we do with bees?"

"Sting first"

"Y'all will stay here with us" I look back at them.

"Here?" I look around "No thanks"

"You have no choice," Minho says "Make this easy"

"Easy as can be" I smile at him "Just like it is to forget whatever the fuck we had"

"I said brother, he was no good," Felix said with a smile and I saw Minho's hands fist up.

"Like I said Changbin isn't worth the wait" Felix chuckles lowly and nods.

"Enough" Chan spoke up, probably feeling the anger of his friends.

"We have a room waiting for you both"

"Far away from those two, I hope?" Felix says.

"Right next to us, actually," Minho says and it was his turn to smile at us. "Or if Jisung wants, he can sleep in mine"

I roll my eyes "No thanks, I love sleeping alone"

I wasn't sure how we got into this situation but we did. Lucky us. I also didn't know how we will get out of but i'll find my way, I always do.

*Song rec - Dead to Me by Melanie Martinez*

I love confusing everyone but you'll have answers soon.

Now guys remember, get you a bee—always sting first <3

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