16 | Back at You, Bunny

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The look in his eyes before he squeezed them shut still lingered in my mind. I felt his body tense up from underneath me and I immediately took notice of how his demeanor changed. I didn't sleep much last night and instead, I watched him. His chest rose softly and his hair was messily scattered across the pillow, his lips slightly parted.

I wanted to ask him questions but I also knew that wasn't our thing. Now a new question roamed my head, what was our thing?

Before this it was simple. We both were attracted to each other physically and thats was all it was, or at least that is what I told myself. Then Chan came to me after we ran into them at the carnival and explained his part in that whole situation and it surprised me, it surprised the whole group. We promised him months ago that we will help him and we never expected the male to be right in front of our faces—hopefully, it was him but again we still weren't sure.

I sat against the headboard watching him all night, something in me was afraid he would wake up from his sleep and freak out again—I didn't want that.

Getting out of bed I had one thing on my mind, Felix.

I needed to talk to the male, no—I needed to question him. I know it's not his story to tell and maybe not my business but it was eating at my brain. I didn't expect Jisung to cry last night, I didn't expect any of that and I wanted to know why and who did it. Felix knows—they seem close enough to know everything about each other and I also knew Felix was a bit of a loudmouth. If I asked, he will spill. One problem, he didn't like me very much especially not for his brother.

I failed though. I couldn't find Felix anywhere. When I got up I searched the house and his room and he wasn't there, but I didn't have all morning because I had things to do so I left quickly after when Hyunjin mentioned he was in Changbin's room, that happened faster than I thought but I figured I would catch him later.

I failed again. I realized he was a hard man to track down because when I enter the house he seemed to already have gotten Jisung upset, making the male run up the stairs and slam his door.

It was a sight I wasn't expecting again, walking into Jisung's room to see the blood droplets leading to the restroom and his hand covered in blood. Jisung was getting more and more interesting by the day. I had thought he was just a guy that worked at a strip club but I was wrong.

That leads to now, I had promised him a day out as I knew he was going insane seeing the same things every day.

Watching the male walk to me hesitantly as I waited for him by the stairs "Ready?" I asked and he nods.

"Ready for what?" Changbin asks, walking in from the back door with Felix by his side.

I glance at Jisung who looked towards the pair, something flashing across his face as he hooks his arm with mine.

"Minho wants to take me out," He says confidently with a soft smile but I knew what this was. I wasn't dumb. He stared into his brother's eyes with our arms linked.

"Out?!" Felix has loudly "You got to be fucking kidding me" He mumbled.

"Don't act so jealous Felix" He says in a light tone, only upsetting the male more.

Before this got more heated I pulled Jisung along to the front door "Bye now" I said "I'll be sure to keep him safe and out of harm's way" I announce but not to Felix, to Chan who observed the whole thing.

I turn the car off and get out, walking to the edge of lookout. The sun was setting and beamed our way. I heard the car door close behind me and I look over my shoulder to see Jisung look around the area.

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