12 | Trouble in Paradise

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I was sitting on the floor, back against the door that was locked. I tried to sleep, I was lucky I got at least 2 hours of sleep but most of the night I sat here staring at the wall until the sun peaked through the curtains.

Hearing the door unlock, I slide away and look up to Minho who looked down at me. "Oh, it's just you" I stood up walk past him, being sure I bumped his shoulder.


I continued to walk down the stairs, "Where's my brother?"

"Having breakfast in the dining room" I stop and look at him "I'll show you where if you hear me out"

"I'll find my way" I continue down the stairs and he follows behind me. My steps quickly "I don't even know what y'all want from us—"I turn into the first room I approached and my steps stop when I felt all eyes on me.

"Oh thank god," Felix says and I walk to where he was and sat beside him "I was about to beat some serious ass"

I avoid everyone's eyes and before I knew it a plate was placed in front of me and I look up to Chan who gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you" I mumble.

I start to eat the food and slowly look up "Why do you all keep staring?"

"Sorry, it's just kinda weird having two new faces around," One of them said, I furrow my brows in confusion.

"I'm Hyunjin, I think you might remember from your brother's birthday party"

"Ew, please don't associate us with Carson," Felix says, stabbing into his pancakes and eating them.

"I'm Jeongin" Another says, popping a grape into his mouth. He was the one I saw at the club. I don't think I would be able to forget such a gaze. It was intimidating but soon he smiled and his dimples appeared. "I'm the youngest but I think I'm sanest"

He was shoved by another "Watch what you say or we will put you in time out" Another one says, his brown hair was fluffy and he looks at me. He had the soft features and the least intimidating here "I'm Seungmin"

"Great, introductions are finished since you already know Chan, Changbin, and well Minho" Hyunjin wiggled his brows.

I look down and roll my eyes "Wish I didn't"

"Trouble in paradise?" Jeongin leans onto the table He covered a side of his mouth so the others won't see "Minho can never keep anything involving a relationship" he whispered, a bit loudly because everybody heard and laughed loudly—everyone except for me.

"I am here if you forgot"

Jeongin looks at him "And this is payback, I should have won laser tag last night but you bribed everyone to go against me"

"I did no such thing"

Jeongin rolled his eyes "Yeah and i'm totally not  gonna befriend Jisung and get him to hate you" 

I smile at him and hold my hand out "Oh I already do" Jeongin takes it happily and shakes it.

"When can we leave?" Felix speaks up "I have classes to attend unlike you criminals"

"Did he just call us criminals?" Jeongin whispers to Seungmin and he nods slowly.

"He's not really wrong" Seungmin whispers back.

I think I was the only oblivious one in this situation. "Criminals?"

Felix looks at me "Normal people wouldn't kidnap us" Felix says "Plus when do you ever see a bunch of guys living together like this if it isn't tied to some illegal shit"

"Wrong," Jeongin says "Frat boys, duh"

"Don't compare us to frat boys" Hyunjin says with a grimace.

"Fine, we will talk about what we do if you tell us what we want" Chan speaks up.

I look at him "And you're gonna ask my name which I constantly tell you, over and over again but I don't think you are getting it through that thick skull of yours"

The table went silent and I hear a sudden slap, looking to see Jeongin with his hand over his mouth. Slowly letting it slip down he says "I wasn't gonna laugh"

Hyunjin snorts and he side eyes everyone "You have to admit that was pretty funny"

I sit back in my chair and cross my arms "Y'all are wasting our time"

"No, your wasting ours," Changbin says. "We know y'all are playing some sort of game, whispering and giggling to each other last night, we're not fucking dumb and we aren't gonna play along"

"Calm down Binnie, we have no games to play," Felix says.

"Stop covering for him," Changbin says bitterly "It will only get you hurt"

I stand up and lean my hands on the table where I look at the male "Are you threatening my brother?"

"I don't know, am I?"

"Changbin, stop," Minho says, sternly.

Feeling and hand on my wrist, I knew it was Felix's but I only had one thing on my mind. I was getting tired of Changbin.

"Threaten him and maybe I will play that game you think is happening already" I pulled my arms away from Felix's grip and walked out of the dining room.

My body was hot and I just needed to breathe. My eyes go to the front door and I walk to it "I wouldn't do that if I was you"

I turn to Minho "You can't keep us here"

"We can and we will"

My jaw clenched "You don't know us"

"Yeah and that's what we need to know"

I squint at him "We are nothing special, trust me" I cross my arms. "And we will not stay here forever" I walk past him.

"Do you really hate me?"

I stop and look over my shoulder "I can't hate someone I don't know"

momma i'm in love with criminal... okay i'll stop

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